After Life TV Series | Key Facts & Characters & Ending Explained

Kurze Fakten zur TV-Show „After Life“, bevor ich anfange

  • Drei Staffeln, wobei Staffel 1 sechs Folgen hat, Staffel 2 ebenfalls sechs Folgen und Staffel 3 ebenfalls sechs Folgen.
  • Das Grundstück finden Sie Hier
  • Besetzung ist Hier

“After Life” is the story of a man who just lost his beloved wife, and with her, the will to live. He probably would have killed himself immediately, if he didn’t have a dog to take care of. So he manages to get out of bed every day, and lead an existence devoid of any shred of happiness or hope.  

People annoy him, probably because they go on living despite the fact that his world has ended. Worst of all, he claims to not care about his own life to the point where he deliberately puts himself in harm’s way, yet the only people that he’s hurting by his behavior are the people who still care about him.

Written by, directed by and starring Ricky Gervais, After Life is a brilliant drama. Incredibly relevant, relatable, realistic and dark. Makes you think about your own life, how you handle tragedy and other setbacks, what it all means and what’s important to you.

Series 1 was excellent. Refreshing, funny, clever, excellent characterisations.

Series 2 was good, Refreshing, funny, clever, excellent characterisations. But whilst S1 felt like it covered some ground and made some conclusions, S2 took a step back and treaded water.

Series 3 was the same as S1 and S2 but nowhere near as refreshing, funny or clever. The characterisations were not as good. Several of the best characters are no longer there, replaced by crude characterisations that appear unrealistic and over the top, and a bit nasty.

In Staffel 1 sind die wichtigsten Ereignisse und Erkenntnisse

  •  Tony, die Hauptfigur (Ricky Gervais), hat Schwierigkeiten, seine Trauer mit seinem Arbeitsleben in Einklang zu bringen, da sein Verhalten seine Kollegen zunehmend beeinträchtigt.
  • Tony begann darüber nachzudenken, Heroin zu nehmen, um sein Leiden zu lindern.
  • Da ihm die Vorstellung, Heroin zu nehmen, zuwider war, beschloss er, auf seinen Neffen aufzupassen.
  • Bei Besuchen bei seinem Vater begann Tony eine Bindung zu Sandy aufzubauen, einer Pflegerin in der Einrichtung, in der sein Vater lebt.
  • Tony beschloss, sich noch einmal von anderen zu distanzieren, bevor er denen, die ihn unterstützt hatten, Dankbarkeit und Anerkennung aussprach

In Staffel 2 sind die wichtigsten Ereignisse und Erkenntnisse

  • Tony denkt, es sei Zeit, sich anzupassen und beschließt, einen Meditationskurs zu besuchen, während er seinen Cousin und Chef Matt unterstützt, dessen Hochzeit kurz vor dem Aus steht.
  • Neben seinen Anpassungsbemühungen rettete Tony die Zeitung, bei der er arbeitet, vor dem Ausverkauf durch ihren Besitzer, indem er ein tiefgründiges Gespräch mit ihm führte.
  • Während Tony sein geistiges und emotionales Gleichgewicht wiederherstellte, erhielt er eine weitere niederschmetternde Nachricht über seinen Vater. Er kam zu dem Schluss, dass es keine Hoffnung mehr gab, weiterzumachen.

Season 3

Season 3 of After life was hilariously funny and at the same time the deepest, most profound and most emotional of all the seasons.


Tony concludes that his deathwish is a sort of super power because he can do anything he wants, and the worst thing that can happen is that he’ll die–which is what he wants anyway. In other words, all filters are off; he says what he wants to whomever he pleases, he never backs down from a confrontation for the sake of propriety, and even physically he is as fearless as Batman on crack. All of this is wrapped up in a funny, cynical, distinctly British exterior, you know… keep calm and just kill yourself, that sort of thing.

What gives this show a unique power–and what DISTINCTLY separates it from the aforementioned “13 Reasons” which martyrizes depression and suicide, is that nobody treats Tony with kid gloves. Nobody really gives him a free pass just because he’s screwed up. And in fact, several characters essentially tell him that maybe he should go ahead and top himself if he has the guts. It’s this non-pitying approach to depression that makes Tony start to question his “super power” – is he truly in control of his destiny? Or is he just a loser who’s using depression to justifiy his continued failure at life?

And that, if anything, is the most powerful message any show could offer regarding the subject. Without itself becoming depressing, “After Life” forces the issues in our faces and says “ok let’s cut the BS. Is depression truly your fate, or are you just hiding behind the label of being “messed up”?

Über den Autor

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