We covered the STRIDE framework developed by Microsoft for threat modeling. STRIDE framework categorizes threats into 6 different categories including Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service and Elevation of privilege. We also covered a practical scenario that applies the threat categories into a new payment processing system.. The higher the score the higher the risk and the more priority assigned to mitigating the risk. This was part of TryHackMe Threat Modeling

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To understand the framework better, let’s deep-dive into each category and discuss some examples.

  • Spoofing
    • Sending an email as another user.
    • Creating a phishing website mimicking a legitimate one to harvest user credentials.
  • Tampering
    • Updating the password of another user.
    • Installing system-wide backdoors using an elevated access.
  • Repudiation
    • Denying unauthorised money-transfer transactions, wherein the system lacks auditing.
    • Denying sending an offensive message to another person, wherein the person lacks proof of receiving one.
  • Information Disclosure
    • Unauthenticated access to a misconfigured database that contains sensitive customer information.
    • Accessing public cloud storage that handles sensitive documents.
  • Denial of Service
    • Flooding a web server with many requests, overwhelming its resources, and making it unavailable to legitimate users.
    • Deploying a ransomware that encrypts all system data that prevents other systems from accessing the resources the compromised server needs.
  • Elevation of Privilege
    • Creating a regular user but being able to access the administrator console.
    • Gaining local administrator privileges on a machine by abusing unpatched systems.

Threat Modelling With STRIDE

To implement the STRIDE framework in threat modelling, it is essential to integrate the six threat categories into a systematic process that effectively identifies, assesses, and mitigates security risks. Here is a high-level approach to incorporating STRIDE in the threat modelling methodologies we discussed.

  1. System DecompositionBreak down all accounted systems into components, such as applications, networks, and data flows. Understand the architecture, trust boundaries, and potential attack surfaces.
  2. Apply STRIDE CategoriesFor each component, analyse its exposure to the six STRIDE threat categories. Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities related to each category.
  3. Threat AssessmentEvaluate the impact and likelihood of each identified threat. Consider the potential consequences and the ease of exploitation and prioritise threats based on their overall risk level.
  4. Develop Countermeasures
    Design and implement security controls to address the identified threats tailored to each STRIDE category. For example, to enhance email security and mitigate spoofing threats, implement DMARC, DKIM, and SPF, which are email authentication and validation mechanisms that help prevent email spoofing, phishing, and spamming.
  5. Validation and Verification
    Test the effectiveness of the implemented countermeasures to ensure they effectively mitigate the identified threats. If possible, conduct penetration testing, code reviews, or security audits.
  6. Continuous Improvement
    Regularly review and update the threat model as the system evolves and new threats emerge. Monitor the effective countermeasures and update them as needed.

By following this approach, you can effectively incorporate the STRIDE framework into your threat modelling process, ensuring a comprehensive analysis of potential security threats.

Room Answers

What foundational information security concept does the STRIDE framework build upon?

What policy does Information Disclosure violate?

Which STRIDE component involves unauthorised modification or manipulation of data?

Which STRIDE component refers to the disruption of the system’s availability?

Provide the flag for the simulated threat modelling exercise.

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About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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