Metasploit Framework

You may create, test, and run exploit code with the Metasploit Framework, a modular penetration testing tool built on the Ruby programming language. You may test security vulnerabilities, enumerate networks, launch attacks, and avoid detection with the tools in the Metasploit Framework. The Metasploit Framework is essentially a set of widely used tools that offer a comprehensive environment for exploit building and penetration testing.

Course Contents | The Complete Practical Metasploit Framework Course

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Metasploit Framework
  • Chapter 2: Understanding Metasploit Modules
  • Chapter 3: Scanning and Information Gathering
  • Chapter 4: Vulnerability Exploitation
  • Chapter 5: Understanding Meterpreter
  • Chapter 6: SMB Exploitation
  • Chapter 7: Tiwiki Exploitation
  • Chapter 8: Tomcat Webserver Exploitation
  • Chapter 9: Icecast Browser Exploitation Exploitation
  • Chapter 10: Oracle Database Exploitation Exploitation
  • Chapter 11: Printer Exploitation
  • Chapter 12: Windows Privilege Escalation
  • Chapter 13: Data Exfiltration
  • Chapter 14: Anti-Virus Evasion

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Components of Metasploit Framework

The primary Metasploit command-line interface (CLI) is called MSFconsole. Testers can use it to run exploits, do network reconnaissance, check systems for vulnerabilities, and more.

Testers can target a specific, known vulnerability by using exploit modules. Many exploit modules, such as those for buffer overflows and SQL injections, are available in Metasploit. Every module contains a malicious payload that testers are able to run on the intended computers.

Testers can carry out extra tasks during a penetration test with the help of auxiliary modules, which have nothing to do with really exploiting vulnerabilities. fuzzing, scanning, and denial of service (DoS), for instance.
Testers can gain more access to a target system and its linked systems by using post-exploitation modules. Hash dumps, network enumerators, and application enumerators are a few examples.

Payload modules: these offer shell code that executes once the penetration tester has gained access to a system. Static scripts or Meterpreter, an advanced payload technique that enables testers to write custom DLLs or develop new exploit capabilities, are two possible payload formats.

The goal of the No Operation (NOPS) generator is to circumvent intrusion detection and prevention (IDS/IPS) systems by generating random bytes that can be used to pad buffers.

Testers can specify how Metasploit components operate by using the Datastore, a central configuration area. Additionally, it makes it possible to set and reuse dynamic parameters and variables across modules and payloads. Each module in Metasploit has its own datastore in addition to the global one.

Free Metasploit Framework Training

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