We covered the PASTA (Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis) framework for risk assessment and threat modeling. We explained the seven different components of the framework and how to apply it to a practical threat modeling scenario.  This was part of TryHackMe Threat Modeling

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  1. Define the Objectives Establish the scope of the threat modelling exercise by identifying the systems, applications, or networks being analysed and the specific security objectives and compliance requirements to be met.
  2. Define the Technical ScopeCreate an inventory of assets, such as hardware, software, and data, and develop a clear understanding of the system’s architecture, dependencies, and data flows.
  3. Decompose the ApplicationBreak down the system into its components, identifying entry points, trust boundaries, and potential attack surfaces. This step also includes mapping out data flows and understanding user roles and privileges within the system.
  4. Analyse the Threats
    Identify potential threats to the system by considering various threat sources, such as external attackers, insider threats, and accidental exposures. This step often involves leveraging industry-standard threat classification frameworks or attack libraries.
  5. Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses Analysis
    Analyse the system for existing vulnerabilities, such as misconfigurations, software bugs, or unpatched systems, that an attacker could exploit to achieve their objectives. Vulnerability assessment tools and techniques, such as static and dynamic code analysis or penetration testing, can be employed during this step.
  6. Analyse the Attacks
    Simulate potential attack scenarios and evaluate the likelihood and impact of each threat. This step helps determine the risk level associated with each identified threat, allowing security teams to prioritise the most significant risks.
  7. Risk and Impact Analysis
    Develop and implement appropriate security controls and countermeasures to address the identified risks, such as updating software, applying patches, or implementing access controls. The chosen countermeasures should be aligned with the organisation’s risk tolerance and security objectives.

Room Answers

In which step of the framework do you break down the system into its components?

During which step of the PASTA framework do you simulate potential attack scenarios?

In which step of the PASTA framework do you create an inventory of assets?

Provide the flag for the simulated threat modelling exercise.

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About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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