Having a job

Having a job means you are complacent. You know that you will not go hungry next month if you don’t work your ass off right now. You do just enough to not get fired to “earn” that paycheck and live. There is no reason to go the extra mile and start building a business on your own. You’ll do it later. No need to do it now, you have a job. You’re tired from working. You just want
to relax in your off time. When you don’t have a job there is no off time. You are always “hustling” to make more
money, get more deals going, meet more contacts, come up with more ideas. When you have a job you’re just waiting for Friday at 5:00. Solution: QUIT!

After you quit your job (with at least one month’s supply of money) it is sink or swim. Time to put your feet to the fire and see what you’re made of. It’s a virtual guarantee that you cannot be lazy if A) You don’t know how you will feed yourself next month and B) You refuse the cowardly approach of taking money from the government which (if you have eyes) you can clearly see makes you amongst the laziest on Earth.

Wasting Time On Television and/or streaming movies

Its okay to watch your preferred show in your spare time that you allocated for entertainment. Remember that it’s easy to sit down on the couch, turn on the latest episode of who cares and relax. You have two choices in this regard: keep watching the TV and never get anything accomplished or turn that motherfucking soul sucker off forever!

Fast food, junk food, other highly processed food

All that nasty food is loaded with added chemicals, fillers, and addictive compounds that work to make you stupid, lazy, docile, weak, and sick. Next time you’re in line at KFC or McDonald’s I want you to take a look around at everyone else in line.
Do these people look like they’re in great health with abundant energy to take on the world? No? Do they look like they’re going to go home and eat their slop in front of the TV and go to work tomorrow to be able to buy more cow feed? Yes.

You can eat nothing but real, healthy, natural whole food and see how fucking great you feel! Perhaps for the first time you will notice all this extra energy that you can put towards so many uses. Real whole foods include eggs, steaks, salmon, fruits, vegetables, rice, potatoes, etc.

It does not include Wheat Thins or other slop posing as health food. Eat healthy to be healthy. Healthy people have tons of energy.

Video games/computer games

Games take away hours of your life and for what? I honestly don’t understand video games after you grow up. It makes no sense to me but so many young men are addicted, literally addicted, to them it is disheartening.

Think about all the stuff you could do if you weren’t cooped up in the dark pretending to be a war hero or whatever stupid shit you’re playing this week.
Give the games up for REAL LIFE! Get rid of them, throw them away, sell them, uninstall them, just leave them behind. There’s so much you could be doing instead!


Porn is probably the worst thing for a young man becomes it makes him extremely lazy. Instead of going out to find a girl he can just sit at home in the dark and live out his fantasies on the computer.You never have to develop a personality or game because you can have everything you think you want night after night. The only problem is you are at home, alone, pretending. Think about how sad that actually is.

The solution is quitting cold turkey and installing some parental controls that don’t allow you to access porn. You can tell yourself you’ll cut down, or do it in moderation but moderation is bullshit. You’ll either do it a lot or not at all.

What you can do instead: Go out and start talking to girls. If you’ve been a dork or bad with women you’re whole life you will have to learn some game. This will likely become
your new addiction, but that’s ok because it is a healthy natural pursuit. Every man wants women (besides the obvious), women only want Alpha males who can lead. Go make something happen with a beautiful woman.

Here are 10 reasons to stop masturbating to internet porn

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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