We covered hashing functions including MD5 and SHA256 in addition to public key infrastructure and SSL/TLS certificates. This was part of TryHackMe Intro to Cryptography room.

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You have received the following encrypted message:

“Xjnvw lc sluxjmw jsqm wjpmcqbg jg wqcxqmnvw; xjzjmmjd lc wjpm sluxjmw jsqm bqccqm zqy.” Zlwvzjxj Zpcvcol

You can guess that it is a quote. Who said it?

Decrypt the file quote01 encrypted (using AES256) with the key s!kR3T55 using gpg. What is the third word in the file?

Decrypt the file quote02 encrypted (using AES256-CBC) with the key s!kR3T55 using openssl. What is the third word in the file?

Decrypt the file quote03 encrypted (using CAMELLIA256) with the key s!kR3T55 using gpg. What is the third word in the file?

On the AttackBox, you can find the directory for this task located at /root/Rooms/cryptographyintro/task03; alternatively, you can use the task file from Task 2 to work on your own machine.

Bob has received the file ciphertext_message sent to him from Alice. You can find the key you need in the same folder. What is the first word of the original plaintext?

Take a look at Bob’s private RSA key. What is the last byte of p?

Take a look at Bob’s private RSA key. What is the last byte of q?

On the AttackBox, you can find the directory for this task located at /root/Rooms/cryptographyintro/task04; alternatively, you can use the task file from Task 2 to work on your own machine.

A set of Diffie-Hellman parameters can be found in the file dhparam.pem. What is the size of the prime number in bits?

What is the prime number’s last byte (least significant byte)?

On the AttackBox, you can find the directory for this task located at /root/Rooms/cryptographyintro/task05; alternatively, you can use the task file from Task 2 to work on your own machine.

What is the SHA256 checksum of the file order.json?

Open the file order.json and change the amount from 1000 to 9000. What is the new SHA256 checksum?

Using SHA256 and the key 3RfDFz82, what is the HMAC of order.txt?

On the AttackBox, you can find the directory for this task located at /root/Rooms/cryptographyintro/task06; alternatively, you can use the task file from Task 2 to work on your own machine.

What is the size of the public key in bits?

Till which year is this certificate valid?

You were auditing a system when you discovered that the MD5 hash of the admin password is 3fc0a7acf087f549ac2b266baf94b8b1. What is the original password?

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About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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