Getting Rid of Procrastination

Tomorrow doesn’t exist. Yesterday doesn’t exist. There is only the now. The right here and right now. When we wake up ‘tomorrow’ it becomes the now. Because there is only the now we have to make the most of it. We cannot rely on ‘doing it later’. It must be done and it must be done right now.

The past is the past. We cannot live in the past, it’s over. Let go of it. We have to look back on our successes and mistakes and we have to learn from them, so that we can do the right thing right now. The future doesn’t exist. We can’t rely on the future. No one is guaranteed a tomorrow. If you say I’ll do it tomorrow you might as well say I’ll do it in 7 years. Learn this phrase: I’ll do it now! The most successful, happiest people in the world get that way because they don’t put anything off until later. They take care of business right here and then.

Figure out who you really are and what your life’s purpose is! It certainly isn’t to work for someone else, come home to watch the idiot box, eating chips and soda pop.
Your life has a purpose, a meaning. You have goals and dreams. Quit whining and complaining, quit procrastinating, don’t give in to apathy – go do something this very instant!

Productivity Hacks

1) Do one task at a time.

Multi-tasking is great if you like doing things half-assed but if you want something done right you have to put all your effort into it. Only when one item is done do you move on to the next item. Back in the days when I used to have a job I remember interviewers asking me about multi-tasking and I would lie and say “yeah, I love to do a million things at once!” When I had a job I would always get my work done in about a half hour and then I had 7 and a half free hours to plot and scheme.
2) Make a to-do list every single night before bed.

This is critical! If you don’t know what you need to do how will you ever get it done? Write your to-do down on a notepad or word processor and cross every item off as soon as it is accomplished. Make your to-do list manageable but not laughably easy. 5-10 quality items that need to get done is a good start.
3) When you wake up in the morning start crossing off items on your to-do list first thing

All the mountains of work that we think are impossible only take a little time and effort to accomplish. When you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish for the day it’s almost too easy to get everything done before most people even have breakfast. Don’t erase your to-do list items, put an X beside them or cross a line through them. It’s an amazing feeling to see the big to-do list items being crossed off seemingly by the minute. At the very end you will see the fruit of your labors with your entire list done.
4) Give yourself a short time frame to complete your tasks.

When you’re looking at a time limit you have no choice but to get things done faster. If you’ve got a week to finish everything there is no rush, but if you only have 2 hours to finish your tasks you’re going to be working like a frantic maniac. The goal isn’t just to get stuff done, it’s to get stuff done ASAP!

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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