Disclaimer: The content displayed in the article is directly copied from boldanddetermined.com (which was closed down) to be available for those who are looking for it.

Not everyone is cut out for the cut-throat world of entrepreneurship where sometimes you don’t know if you’ll be eating fresh Lobster or canned Tuna for dinner.

Fine, no problem.

But there is no reason why the gainfully employed should not make extra money and there is no reason to waste your nights and weekends being unproductive. You never know when your gainful employment will be un-gained or when your job will be shipped to Mr. Chan in China or Mr. Singh in India and there’s no reason to just be content with the set amount of money your paycheck gives you.

So what can you do? Make extra money.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a Wharton grad to make extra dough, it only takes a little American ingenuity, grit and ‘can-do’ spirit. And you may just be a little shocked to learn how easy it is to make extra money every month.

Today I will explain a method that any moron can do. No complicated typing required, no internet savvy required, no SEO, no phony-baloney MLM. Just a real method to make real money that any real man can do.

I call this the Honest Bodybuilder Method.

A little background…..

To be a bodybuilder you have to use expensive drugs. There are no if’s and’s or but’s about it so don’t boo-hoo to me about reality. Most people cannot afford bodybuilding and if you have a limited income (I.E. a job) and spend all your money on drugs you will eventually go broke or you will eventually turn to nefarious methods to make money. A great many bodybuilders do a great many not so honest things to make money and feed their needs. The answer to this little dilemma was explained to me by a dumb bodybuilder who barely speaks English, but it’s just about the most clever thing I have ever heard.

His method?

Start a blue collar side business and use 100% of the profits to buy his necessary bodybuilding medicines. That way he still has his regular job and doesn’t spend any of his “personal” money on his bodybuilding needs.

The blue collar business can be anything from carpet cleaning, to maid service, to lawn care to anything in between. Just start some service that is always in need. But remember, you are the OWNER of the business, you are not the worker bee. You don’t go out and clean carpets or mow lawns, you are the guy behind the scenes. You start the business and you hire someone to do the actual work. You pay him or her their salary, you pay the overhead, you do the advertising, you find the clientele and when the business is profitable enough you hire someone to do everything for you, you remove yourself entirely from the equation. Your job at that point is to collect your money and then use it to pay off debt, invest it, travel to friggin’ Bora Bora if you want. Whatever, Trevor.

You don’t have to be a dumb bodybuilder to utilize this method and you don’t even need to have a current job. I know a fella who owns a maid service in America and spends his time traveling around Asia.

This is how you follow the Honest Bodybuilder’s blueprint.

1) Start a blue collar business.

Any blue collar business will work. Lawn service, plumbing service, handyman service, carpet cleaning service, carpentry service etc. These fields are always in need. You can always find clients for this type of business.

There will be an investment required. You’ll have to open an LLC. You don’t want to run a business under your own name, too much liability. You can file directly with your state or you can open an LLC online. Opening an LLC is quick and easy, but it’s necessary to reduce your personal liability. NEVER let anyone work for you or your company unless you have legal protection and never let anyone work for your personal name. If your worker goes out to someone’s house and robs it you could be on the hook personally, if you have an LLC then only your LLC and its assets are at stake.  An LLC is a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY and it is necessary in a lawsuit happy world.

You’ll need the tools and equipment required. If you start a carpet cleaning service you’ll need to own a carpet cleaner, if you start a maid service you’ll need cleaning supplies etc.

Whatever business you choose you will need money for at least 3 things: an LLC, tools of the trade, and advertising. Depending on the type of business you start you may also need a license from your state.

2) Advertise.

Business will not rush to you with cash in hand, you will have to go out and find business. There are a bunch of ways to advertise a blue collar business. Pay a good looking kid to go door to door and ask for business. Buy a big magnetic sign to put on the side of your workers pick-up truck. Purchase business cards and hand them out to everyone. Post flyers door to door and at the local grocery stores. Build a website. If you aren’t web savvy you can hire someone from craigslist for a few hundred bucks. Cold call businesses and ask them for business.

When your worker bee goes out to someone’s home to do whatever needs doin’ have them offer a 25% discount if the homeowner can recommend 5 or 10 people who also need the service, then you call those people and say “Joe Homeowner said you may need your gutters cleaned, we can offer you a 25% good neighbor discount“.

You always want new leads. You always need new phone numbers for people to call and get their business. You can set up your website to grab names and phone numbers of people who are looking for your service. Always call these numbers as fast as possible. The longer you wait to call the less chance you will get their business.

3) Hire the worker bee(s).

You will need someone to go out and actually do the work. Remember, you are the owner, you don’t go out and clean gutters. Put an ad on craigslist for a blue collar worker bee and you will get about a hundred responses per hour. Hire someone and tell them you will pay them hourly or by the job. DO NOT pay anyone a steady salary. You only pay your worker bee when you have business, you don’t pay when there is no business.

Tips for hiring your worker bee(s):

  • Hire someone who owns their own truck. You don’t want to have to buy a truck so just hire someone who already owns one. They can put a magnetic sign on the side of their truck that says “Joe’s blah blah Service” with the appropriate phone number.
  • Don’t hire anyone with a criminal record. You do not want to be responsible if your employee steals something from someone’s house.
  • Don’t hire someone with tattoos on their neck or hands. If they have visible tattoo’s on their arms and forearms make them wear a long shirt.

Your employee’s represent your company so make double sure they look presentable. Don’t hire any obvious drug addicts or people with mental disorders. Hire clean people. Provide company polo shirts. There are millions of people hurting for work, so don’t just hire any old slob, hire someone who will help to make your company respectable and profitable.

4) Pay yourself last.

Remember, you need an LLC. Do not start a blue collar business as a sole proprietorship. When the business is income producing you can start to pay yourself a salary.

An LLC is a “pass through” tax entity. That means that the LLC itself does not pay tax, you pay tax on the profits you receive. The trick to reducing your tax liability is two-fold: start an LLC but tax it as an S-Corp. Pay yourself a small but reasonable monthly salary and once per quarter you can take out a chunk of the profits as a distribution. You will pay standard tax on your monthly salary but the quarterly S-Corp distribution is not looked at as employee wages so you will not have to pay Social Security or Medicare tax on this distribution amount (more tax info).

After your business is up and running you can hire someone to take care of the phone calls and appointments. Your goal is to remove yourself from the equation entirely and just gobble up your money each month, like the dumb but rich bodybuilder or the guy I know who runs around in Asia while girls in America clean houses for him.

This business does not have to be a smashing success, it does not have to be constantly growing, it’s not going to make you rich but that’s not the goal. The goal is to make extra money to pay off debt, or save up, or invest or do any damn thing you want. A business like this can be a success for you if it only makes two grand per month. Two grand per month goes a long way when you aren’t doing anything for it. You will have to work at first, it won’t happen overnight, but eventually you will have a business up and running and paying you money while you go about your business doing something else. Like bodybuilding, or traveling around Asia, or going to work at your normal job.

Easy peasy, Japaneasy.

Until next time.

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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