We covered an overview of malware analysis, starting with basic static analysis and moving through to advanced static analysis techniques such as reverse engineering and finishing with dynamic analysis. The focus of this tutorial was on the methodology an analyst should follow when reverse engineering a binary sample. Things to look for during this phase are strings, Windows API calls, exports and DLLs, function calls and execution flow. We covered few samples and analyzed them using the popular dissassembler “Ghidra” and also solved a practical scenario from TryHackMe Advanced static analysis which is part of SOC level 2 track.

Please watch the video at the bottom for full detailed explanation of the walkthrough.

OSCP Study Notes

Computer Forensics Study Notes

Creating an environment for malware analysis

A lab setup for malware analysis requires the ability to save the state of a machine (snapshot) and revert to that state whenever required. The machine is thus prepared with all the required tools installed, and its state is saved. After analyzing the malware in that machine, it is restored to its clean state with all the tools installed. This activity ensures that each malware is analyzed in an otherwise clean environment, and after analysis, the machine can be reverted without any sustained damage.
Following these steps ensures that your VM is not contaminated with remnants of previous malware samples when analyzing new malware. It also ensures that you don’t have to install your tools again and again for each analysis.

Static Malware Analysis

Static analysis is marked by analyzing the file without opening it. In static analysis we aim to extract the below details

1- File extension
2- Hash
3- IOCs (IPs, domains, hostnames, hashes)
4- Useful strings
5- Imports and Exports (API Calls)
6- sections (.text, .rsrc, .data)

Advanced Static Analysis & Reverse Engineering

The advanced static analysis aims to uncover hidden or obfuscated code and functionality within the malware. This involves using more advanced techniques to analyze the malware’s code, such as de-obfuscation and code emulation. To perform advanced static analysis, disassemblers such as IDA Pro, Binary Ninja, and radare2 are commonly used.

  • Identify the entry point of the malware and the system calls it makes.
  • Identify the malware’s code sections and analyze them using available tools such as debuggers and hex editors.
  • Analyze the malware’s control flow graph to identify its execution path.
  • Trace the malware’s dynamic behavior by analyzing the system calls it makes during execution.
  • Use the above information to understand the malware’s evasion techniques and the potential damage it can cause.

Ghidra for malware analysis

Ghidra is a software reverse engineering tool that allows users to analyze compiled code to understand its functionality. It is designed to help analysts and developers understand how the software works by providing a platform to decompile, disassemble, and debug binaries.
Making sure Java is installed

sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jre 
sudo apt install default-jdk

Then download Ghidra from below link


Uncompress the zipped file and give the required permisions

chmod +x ghidrarun

Run Ghidra


Room Answers | TryHackMe Advanced Static Analysis

Does advanced static analysis require executing the malware in a controlled environment? (yay/nay)

How many function calls are present in the Exports section?

What is the only API call found in the User32.dll under the Imports section?


How many times can the “Hello World” string be found with the Search for Strings utility?


What is the virtual address of the CALL function that displays “Hello World” in a messagebox?


What value gets printed by the while loop in the while-loop.exe program?


How many times, the while loop will run until the condition is met?

Examine the while-loop.exe in Ghidra. What is the virtual address of the instruction, that CALLS to print out the sentence “That’s the end of while loop ..”?

In the if-else.exe program, examine the strings and complete the sentence “This program demonstrates………..”

This program demonstrates if-else statement

What is the virtual address of the CALL to the main function in the if-else.exe program?


When a process is created in suspended state, which hexadecimal value is assigned to the dwCreationFlags parameter?


Which API is used to to write malicious code to the allocated memory during process hollowing?


What is the MD5 hash of the benign.exe sample?

How many API calls are returned if we search for the term ‘Create’ in the Symbol Tree section?


What is the first virtual address where the CreateProcessA function is called?


Which process is being created in suspended state by using the CreateProcessA API call?


What is the first virtual address where the CreateFileA function is called?


What is the suspicious process being injected into the victim process?


Based on the Function Graph, what is the virtual address of the code block that will be executed if the program doesn’t find the suspicious process?


Which API call is found in the import functions used to unmap the process’s memory?


How many calls to the WriteProcessMemory function are found in the code? (.text section)


What is the full path of the suspicious process shown in the strings?


Video Walkthrough | TryHackMe Advanced static analysis

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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