Siccin Movie | Key Facts & Characters & Ending Explained

Siccin 1 Movie Review

Siccin 1 Movie tells the story of a woman visits a sorcerer to find out if her cousin is suitable for her to marry to which the soccerer after doing some ritual tells her to be away from the guy. Fast forward 12 years n the guy is married to another female and they have a blind daughter. The wife is mostly busy with household chores, especially attending to her sick mother and blind daughter. After an accidental abortion and the guy’s shunning behaviour, the woman once again visits the sorcerer with lots of cash and jewellery and asks him to perform black magic (the pig magic) on the cousin’s wife so that she can be with him. There some annoying repeated pig butchering scenes. The director succeeded in creating a surrealistic atmosphere by jus focusing on few characters and mostly night scenes.

Visually the film looks solid for the most part, it’s also dark, grim and unsettling.

The movie does not bring necessarily a novel story or a brand new concept, instead, it takes an existing well studied, well known, very well matured topic of black magic and reinvents it in a very realistic way. Perhaps, that is what made this movie succeed, is the degree to which it has respected the traditions and the atmosphere that typical movies would not adopt so that they can make the movie more exciting. I guess the scary part of this movie is its closeness to reality, given it is a horror one.

Siccin 2 Movie Review

Siccin 2 movie tells the story of a mother trying to keep her life together when her grief over the unexpected death of her son is soon enhanced when a series of visions and hallucinations points to a devastating curse being enacted on the family for a past ritual that was performed and must find a way to stop it from consuming her.

The visions and hallucinations of the demonic women appearing to her and offering up incredible vivid recreations of the incident or showcasing a horrifying birth sequence of a bloody baby being removed from the body offer several outstanding scenes that allow for an easy explanation of the curse being afflicted.

As well, the last half hour here plays with a slew of spectacular and outright chilling scenes that come off incredibly well. From torturing the husband to the breaking point, the interactions within the haunted house and the confrontation in the mother’s room feature some fantastic ghostly encounters and hard-hitting situations that all lead incredibly well into the finale.

he acting maintains a consistent level of intensity, immersing us in the unfolding supernatural horrors. The film editing maintains a sense of suspense throughout, though it occasionally feels sluggish. The film’s strength lies in its deep exploration of Islamic folklore and its ability to sustain an atmosphere of dread. The music adds to the film’s unsettling ambiance, while the cinematography captures the darkness lurking within everyday settings. “Siccin 2” continues to delve into the unsettling and reinforces the message that meddling with the supernatural carries dire consequences, even if it occasionally stumbles on its own supernatural journey. For those who enjoy a dose of supernatural chills, it’s a worthy watch.

Sijjin 3: Love Movie Review

Sijjin 3 movie tells the story of a man after the strange accident at work, his life started to suffer from a series of haunted encounters that are soon revealed to be started by a friend of his trying to use black magic to revive the love of his life and must find a way to stop it from spreading.

The seemingly innocuous firing at the factory which starts everything from the frustrated worker’s suicide and the vengeful wife’s curse is a great setup to provide a cause and motive for what’s to come as the incidents afflicting the family show this quite well.

Including the tragedy involving the brother and his wife and child while the site owner is forced into dealing with his own personal issues involving jealousy and possession as a result of the curse which generates a solid and workable enough setup to go along with.

As well, this one takes advantage of those features with some great haunting scenes. The flash images and hallucinations of the demons appearing to her and working through her medical condition appear to provide potential answers for everything despite the genuine supernatural incidents here are quite fun. 

The final half, where the contents of the curse come to light in several fine moments where the possession is finally allowed to take place in some genuinely chilling scenes with the deformed beings and graphic actions under their influence is quite fun. A lengthy battle in the house where all the spell-casting took place causes some impressive visuals and imagery to go along with some great shocks, all giving some likable features to this one.

The acting maintains its eerie intensity, pulling us deeper into the nightmarish narrative. The film editing keeps the suspense alive, although it occasionally meanders. The film’s strength lies in its relentless exploration of Islamic supernatural folklore and its ability to evoke a palpable sense of dread. The music enhances the film’s eerie atmosphere, and the cinematography captures the sinister undercurrents lurking within everyday scenes. “Siccin 3” builds on the unsettling themes of its predecessors, reinforcing the message that tampering with the supernatural comes at a high price, even if it occasionally falters in execution. For those with a taste for the macabre.

Sijjin 4 Movie Review

Sijjin 4 Movie tells the story of a family that due to financial problems, have to move in their grandmother Saadet’s house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet’s old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension or as called the Jins.

By the first five minute into the movie, I can already tell that this is pretty scary and not for everyone. It can be pretty frightening and may cause you to startle a lot during screening. They open with a scary montage that give you a depiction of scary ghost encountered in the story.

The family is consisted of a stressed father who keeps looking for a way to make money even want to sell the grandmother’s house, her wife the mother who is worried about her husband and the children. The main important characters are actually the children, the big sister who have to console the weird younger brother named Omar because he is often being haunted in his dreams. They lived alongside their grandmother and her personal caretaker, who is called aunt Rehime.

Most of the characters have their own creepy quirk such as the two-faced aunt Rehime who can act meek and mean depending on the people she interacts with. The younger brother, sister, and the father who always get haunted in the dreams by a ghost depicted as a violent black or burned lady with a big long hair.

Omar the younger brother, aunt rehime and the grandmother are especially creepy, as omar will always cover his head in pillow cover when he is scared and the interaction between grandmother and the caretaker can send shiver down to your spine because it is uncomfortable and creepy. It was pretty mysterious to see how things unfold and kinda interesting to uncover the cause of hauntings in the first place.

The film editing sustains a feeling of impending dread, though it occasionally struggles with pacing. The film’s strength lies in its unwavering commitment to exploring Islamic supernatural folklore and the persistence of malevolent forces. The music adds to the overall eerie ambiance, while the cinematography captures the darkness that seeps into everyday life. “Siccin 4” builds on the series’ established themes, underscoring the idea that meddling with the paranormal carries dire consequences. While it may not be flawless, it offers a compelling addition to the unsettling world of “Siccin” for those who appreciate a good supernatural chill.

Siccin 5 Movie Review

Siccin 5 Movie tells the story of Hale who attracted attention with its different appearance and strange behavior. She lives in a historical and eerily house in Nevsehir with her mother, a depressed grandmother and her aunt Azra. Hale’s father had disappeared before she was born and was never seen again.

Siccin 6 Movie Review

In Siccin 6 Movie, the director combined the possession formula and a superhero origin story, while keeping the focus of the plot on the possessed family all the way. Merve Ates(Efsun), (who was and is still my favorite child star in Turkish cinema in recent years) is becoming creepier and creepier (meant as a compliment) She is an innocent looking girl, who, all of a sudden gives a snarky smile and you don’t know how to feel about her up until the last moment.

Internal family dynamics and the plot is not something to be talked about, but it gets the job done. Orhan, the protaganist of the third movie is the deus ex machina of Siccin 6 and the mentioned superhero of this strange origins story. Cinematography and execution in some of the scenes are some of the best for Turkish horror genre. There was a warehouse scene which was mostly shot in a single take, and a semi-subtle creeping dolls scene, both of which managed to impress and scare me.

The problem is the build up, which is somewhat always missing in Alper Mestci’s feature length films. The movie begins and at the 11th second jumpscare ensues and it never stops until the end of the movie. Tell us who these characters are, how they respond to other people, what are their motivations, etc. And only after then, the plot twist that you were hoping to shock us will earn some credibility.

Scariest Scenes in Siccin Movie | Don’t Watch Alone | Turkish Horror Movies

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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