Being an Ass-kicker means you have to cut out all nonsense, that includes friends and relationships that are not beneficial to you. To live like an Ass-kicking Spartan is to live a bare bones, necessity filled life.

There comes a time when you’ve got to re-assess friendships. In the life of an Ass-kicker there just isn’t any room for low-yield relationships. If your friends don’t serve a definite dual purpose then it’s time to let them go.

Dual purpose friendships: you enjoy spending time with the person and you accomplish an activity.

A low-yield friend is a friend that does not serve a purpose. A friend that just wants to ‘hang out’, gossip, use narcotics, whine or talk about themselves or other nonsense. A low-yield friend is an “energy vampire”, someone who drains you of energy by just spending time with you.

A high-yield friend is a friend you can hit the gym with, train MMA or other activity with, learn something from, or accomplish something with. A high-yield friend energizes you.

An easy test to tell a high-yield friend from a low-yield friend is how often you answer the phone when they call. If you continually don’t answer the phone when they call that’s a sign that they need to be given their walking papers. If you typically answer the phone when they call then they can stay.

Who to give the boot to:

Gossips, Loudmouths, Whiners and Negative Nancy’s.

In the life of an Ass-kicker these types are invisible and speak an alien language that only other idiots can understand. Gossips want to chatter about nonsense. They love to work in an office because they have a captive audience for their baloney and can easily infect you with their disease. This is one great reason to leave the corporate life.

Negative Nancy’s just want to be negative and nasty about everything.

If you’ve got some friends like that it’s time to give those chatter-boxes the boot.

How to Deal with Drama:

Drama does not exist in the life of a Spartan. Drama must be invited in, like a Vampire, or it cannot exist in your world. If you have “dramatic” friends give those narcissists the boot. There’s no time for nonsense. If you wanted to hear about drama you could go searching for the latest celebrity gossip.

This is what you tell your chatter-box friends when they call you about nonsense:

“Don’t ever call me about that BS again.”


Spending time with friends should serve a purpose. You should get activities done. “Hanging out” is usually a big waste of time. Every second you “hang out” is a second you have wasted. “Hanging out” is keeping you from your goals. When your friends call it should be for a specific purpose. They should call only to give you some pertinent information or invite you to an activity such as weightlifting or social activities on a Saturday night after a week of killing.

If you’ve got free time to spare then go and “hang out” for a little while, but it shouldn’t be routine.

Tell your friends if they have non-pertinent information then they have to e-mail you. E-mails are easier to ignore than a ringing phone. A ringing phone should mean business. A phonecall is an intrusion and should have a specific goal and purpose.

Dealing with girlfriends and girl friends.

A girlfriend is a girl you are romantically and physically involved with. Don’t get caught up in silly phone conversations with girlfriends. Limit conversations to 5 or 10 minutes. Don’t waste time with back-and-forth text messaging. They can talk to you at night, in person, when business is taken care of.

A girl friend is a friend who is a girl. There is no reason to have girl friends. Girl friends serve absolutely no purpose. There are only two reasons males have girl friends 1) They’re gay 2) They’re trying to have sex with the girl and they’re stuck in the friend zone – and that’s just a big old waste of time on a massive scale.

Kick the low yield friends out of your life for good.

Keep the high yield friends.

You’ll be glad you did.

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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