
We covered the basics of WIFI penetration testing with aircrack-ng and the concept of WPA 4 Way-Handshake.

The core of WPA(2) authentication is the 4 way handshake.

Most home WiFi networks, and many others, use WPA(2) personal. If you have to log in with a password and it’s not WEP, then it’s WPA(2) personal. WPA2-EAP uses RADIUS servers to authenticate, so if you have to enter a username and password in order to connect then it’s probably that.

Previously, the WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) standard was used. This was shown to be insecure and can be broken by capturing enough packets to guess the key via statistical methods.

The 4 way handshake allows the client and the AP to both prove that they know the key, without telling each other. WPA and WPA2 use practically the same authentication method, so the attacks on both are the same.

The keys for WPA are derived from both the ESSID and the password for the network. The ESSID acts as a salt, making dictionary attacks more difficult. It means that for a given password, the key will still vary for each access point. This means that unless you precompute the dictionary for just that access point/MAC address, you will need to try passwords until you find the correct one.


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إجابات التحدي

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