In this post, we covered encoding and decoding using python and Cyberchef. We solved two challenges from PicoCTF for that.

Encoding and decoding can be done using online encoders and decoders but in this challenge we used python scripts and libraries to represent data in different formats such as hexadecimal, decimal, UTF8, UTF16,etc.

PicoCTF netcat description

There is a nice program that you can talk to by using this command in a shell: $ nc 35652, but it doesn’t speak English…

PicoCTF Transformation challenge description

I wonder what this really is… enc''.join([chr((ord(flag[i]) << 8) + ord(flag[i + 1])) for i in range(0, len(flag), 2)])

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I create cybersecurity notes, digital marketing notes and online courses. I also provide digital marketing consulting including but not limited to SEO, Google & Meta ads and CRM administration.

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