Reasons for Low Testosterone In The Modern Age

It is an easily observable fact that today’s men have less testosterone than their fathers and even less testosterone than their grandfathers. We live in a highly emasculated society.
For proof just walk out your door and go to the local grocery store and take a look at the Men. I was at a grocery store the other day and I heard a “man” literally beg his wife to get 2% milk instead of skim milk. He literally begged inside of the store, like a little girl.
Testosterone is what keeps you from being a giant sissy

Signs of low Testosterone

  • Excess bodyfat
  • Depression
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased energy

There are several reasons why wen have such low testosterone, and we will go over those, but the most important one is diet.

You need to eat fat to produce testosterone. Aim for 30% of your total calories from fat. Every guy I know that is super low in T (you can tell because they are frail, timid, sexless, weak) has a poor diet. They eat low fat, low protein, high carbohydrate diets. They eat things like Macaroni and cheese as a meal. That’s what little boys eat (they shouldn’t).

Ways to increase your testosterone

  • Eat like a man for high testosterone. Some excellent testosterone building meals include:
Steak and eggs : the strong man's favorite meal. High saturated fat in the eggs and zinc
in the red meat help produce testosterone.

Liver and onions : Onions contain allicin which helps produce testosterone. Liver contains all kinds of good shit. Warriors of old would often eat the raw liver right out of a fresh kill because it gave them strength. If you don’t like eating liver take some liver tabs.

Garlic : Garlic also contains allicin. Peanuts, salmon, coconut oil, olive oil are all rich in
good fats. Cook everything in butter, not margarine.

Eat as naturally as possible. Stick with organic fruits and veggies and grass-fed for your red meat if you can afford it.

If you are a vegetarian try to stop being a sissy and eat meat, the diet that Man was designed to eat. How many manly vegetarians have you met? If you’re like me the answer is zero. That’s because they eat low fat, high soy content meals. For God’s sake never eat soy! Soy is estrogen enhancing poison.

Don’t believe the government hype that soy is great, soy is cheap and easy to produce and is a government subsidized crop (the other 2, corn and wheat, also should be avoided).

  • Get a good night’s sleep in a cool, dark room. Sleep at night or else you will mess up your circadian rhythm which leads to decreased T.
  • Lift weights. Heavy compound exercises produces testosterone naturally. Between 4-8 reps per set is a good goal. If you’re fat, lose weight. Increased weight leads to higher estrogen levels.
  • Don’t smoke. Smoking inhibits sexual appetite, probably because you’re constantly sucking on a thin, white phallus.
  • Don’t drink (or limit alcohol consumption) – Alcohol has been proven to lower testosterone.
  • Live stress free. It’s easier said than done but stress and worry is a huge testosterone killer. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t change it then there is no point in worrying about it.
  • Don’t keep your cell phone in your pocket next to your boys. According to Tim Ferris’ The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman, cell phone radiation leads to decreased sperm count and T levels.
  • Listen to music that pumps you up – Songs that pump you up, pump you up full of testosterone.
  • Eat your vegetables – Vegetables have been repeatedly demonstrated to raise testosterone and decrease estrogen.

Dedicating Time To Workout

I would work out but I just can’t seem to find the time.Sound familiar? What is really meant is

I would work out but I’m just not motivated enough.
The time can always be found. It’s as simple as turning off the TV, getting off the computer, turning off the video games, cancelling the trip to McDonald’s and dragging yourself to the gym.

Wake up an hour earlier and go to the gym. Go in the morning before work. Go first thing after work.

Go at night after you put the kids to bed. Go to bed an hour later.

The time can ALWAYS be found. The busiest person in the world can free up three hours
a week to exercise. The motivation is harder to come by. Believe it or not, after a while lifting it becomes addicting and it becomes harder to take a day off than it is to go work out.
Start yourself at a moderate, leisurely 3 days per week.

That’s about the best start anyone can make. It won’t be fun at first. You will be weak, and tired, and sore, and hungry. Just keep going. You will feel great after you work out and you will be glad you did. Just force yourself to go. Eventually you will understand what it’s all about.

Why you need to consider weight training seriously

Weight training will make you feel strong and fit. It is the most important aspect. A feeling of strength and power will give you confidence you possibly never had. We have all heard the saying a strong body is a strong mind and it is absolutely true. Strength IS confidence.

Weight training will help to burn more fat: There is a prevailing myth that the only way to burn fat is to do cardio. Nonsense. Building solid muscle mass with an adequate diet is the absolute best way to get rid of those love handles. Muscle mass raises your metabolism. Muscle mass burns fat. Build more muscle to burn more fat. If you don’t have muscle mass to begin with cardio may help you lose weight but you will not get the toned look. At best you will look skinny-fat if all you do is cardio. That’s good enough for some, but it’s not good enough for you.

Weight training will make you healthier: After several months of weight training you will notice you get less colds, flus, and other sicknesses. That is because regular exercise improves sleep patterns. Better sleep + regular training = stronger immune system. Your body has become stronger from the inside out. Weight Training will also help bone strength and density, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, depression and a host of other illnesses.

But I don’t want to get huge – Relax. Every huge monster you see in the gym is on anabolic steroids with no exception. Even on steroids getting huge requires almost constant eating, lifting 6 days per week, and the desire to get huge. Don’t inject, don’t eat
5,000 calories a day, don’t want to get huge and it won’t happen. Ever.

But I just want to ‘tone’ up – Lifting is how you tone up. Cardio, like jogging and elliptical machines, do not tone you up. They may help you lose weight but you will just be skinny-fat if you don’t lift. Muscle is what gives you the “toned” look.

Train Like An Animal

Train like an animal because if you don’t you are just wasting your time. You are the lion of the gym. Act like it. The sheep and cows can sit on a machine and watch TV but you’re there for a purpose.

You’re there to strengthen your body and mind. The only way to do that is to push yourself past any limits you think might exist. The other weaklings in the gym have accepted limits. That’s why they look the way they do. That’s why they act the way they do. That’s why they are frightened.

That weight doesn’t want to be lifted. That weight thinks you can’t lift it. That weight is mocking you. What that weight doesn’t know is that you do not accept limits. You will lift that weight. And if you fail you WILL try again and again until you succeed. So do it. Go all out. Leave everything in the gym. If you leave the gym and you still have more in the tank you have failed. Leave everything in the gym. Take it to the limit. Past the point of no return.
If you aren’t willing to sweat for it you don’t deserve it. If you’re willing to die for it it’s yours for the taking.

Learn Fighting & Self-Defense

Even in an emasculated society there are countless testosterone filled men who will not hesitate to snap your neck. If the shit hit the fan could you defend yourself or your family against a man the same size as you? Against a man bigger than you?
If a man bigger and stronger than yourself slapped you in the face in front of your wife, girlfriend, or kids would you take him out? Or would you hang your head in shame?
Walking away is always the best option, but what if it isn’t an option? 99 times out of 100 a bar-room altercation will not come to blows, but that 1 time it won’t end up so well for you if you get beat up.

Get into shape: A frail body isn’t defending anything. A man in good shape is more intimidating to someone who wants to pick an easy fight.

Learn some form of defense: You could take up boxing, mixed martial arts, Brazilian jiu-jitstu or you want to get experienced in street fights I personally recommend Krav Maga. Krav Maga was first taught to Israeli army to learn how to defend themselves against armed opponents and multiple attackers.

You could attend a self defense class or you could have a friend teach you some moves. Watch some self-defense videos if you have no other options. The confidence alone from knowing you can hold your own and defend yourself is worth more than money.

Talk yourself out of the fight: If a fight can be avoided, it should be avoided. You never know who’s carrying a knife or a gun, or if he has friends waiting in the distance.

Position yourself for easy defense: If a man is getting in your space you never keep your hands in your pocket, you keep them up to defend your face. Don’t make an overt boxing stance, you can pretend to be scratching your chin or something like that. Your hands always need to be ready to act. When the fight starts always protect your face with your forearms, hold your arms up at a 90% angle, thumbs facing your head.

If it comes to blows: Move quickly. Get your hits in as fast as you can, subdue him as fast as you can, and get away as fast as you can. A hard punch to the throat will take him out. A rear-naked choke will take him out. A hard kick to the knee will take him out. A hard knee to his face will take him out. If you’re trading blow for blow you aim for the jaw. Always keep your hands up in front of your face to protect yourself.

Fight dirty if it’s life or death: If you’re fighting for your life all rules of combat decency evaporate. This is where you kick the groin, bite the nose, poke the eyes, any severe damage you can do.


You cannot get into shape eating Twinkies, sodas, and McDonald’s all day. Every fitness magazine and every bodybuilder will tell you to eat high carb, high protein, and low fat. It works for them. What they will never tell you is that they are on anabolic steroids and therefore do not need to eat any fat. Fat is essential for building testosterone, testosterone is essential for building muscle. When a bodybuilder or athlete injects synthetic testosterone daily they have no need to build it naturally. For a natural trainee high fat, high-medium protein, and low carb is the best route.

But eating fat makes you fat! – No, eating fat does not make you fat unless you are eating man-made, chemically altered fats like trans-fats and vegetable oils. Stick to real foods that contain saturated animal fat. Fatty meat, butter, eggs, fish, whole milk (raw, I can’t recommend pasteurized) etc… are excellent foods for the natural trainer.

What about all that cholesterol? – You have been lied to by the media and what you believe to be science. Eating cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol. Cholesterol is essential to eat.

Losing weight has never been hard

To lose weight you must eat less food. You will hear advice saying that you need to eat MORE to lose weight. Worse, some people actually believe this. Saying that eating 6 times per day will increase your metabolism or some other nonsense and help you lose weight. In a dream world this might work. 1 or 2 big meals per day is perfect for losing weight. 2 meals of steak and eggs will give you much steady energy and you will not have the need to snack or eat more often. 1 giant meal is harder to start doing, but the benefits are just as good. You can eat not quite perfect and still lose weight at a comfortable rate.
If you’re excessively fat or obese it is because you cannot tolerate carbohydrates. You should severely limit or completely cut off carbohydrate intake. Only re-introduce them very slowly (if at all) after you have lost a good deal of weight.

The opposite is true, to gain weight– you must eat more food. Smaller, more frequent meals are ideal for gaining weight. Anywhere between 4-6 meals per day is perfect. It’s very hard to gain weight eating fewer meals, this is the reason every bodybuilder eats 6 meals per day. You have to eat to grow. Start eating. When you feel like you can’t eat anymore, eat some more.

Staying Lean & Keeping The Weight Off is Easy as Pie

Forget about snacks forever. Snacks are for fatties who can’t control themselves. Since you got yourself lean (sub 10% body fat) we know you can control yourself. Snacks exist only to make you fat, they have no other purpose. They aren’t filling. They aren’t full of proteins, vitamins and minerals. They are full of fatness for you. Take a look around your office, watch all the fatties snack throughout the day, and then count how many times they say “I don’t know why I can’t lose weight, I don’t even eat meals, I just snack!” If you have a sweet tooth have some dessert after your meal, just don’t do it between meals. Give your stomach a rest and give your body a chance to digest all that food and a chance to keep burning that unwanted fat.

Eating 2 big meals per day will keep you lean forever. It’s damn near impossible to gain any weight eating twice per day (so eat more when you want to bulk up) no matter what you eat. Obviously you will still want to eat well most of the time (steaks, eggs, fish, chicken, duck, etc.) but it’s no problem to go and grab some McDonald’s and ice cream sometimes. Sometimes you will eat 3 or 4 meals per day, but if you average two meals per day you will be fine. For the doubters, it is not hard to eat two meals per day, it is quite easy. Skip breakfast and have lunch and dinner. Skip dinner and have lunch and breakfast. Have brunch and supper. Doesn’t matter. Eat big, eat until you’re full and it’s a piece of cake.

Drinks like soda, sweet tea and Gatorade are quite deceiving. They are chock full of sugar and calories, they usually don’t quench your thirst so you end up drinking more and just getting fatter. Stay away from these and watch the fat stay off. Quench your thirst with water, black coffee, and unsweetened tea. If you are lean it’s easy enough to have a beer or two with dinner or a soda with dinner and not see any unwanted fat, but only with meals. The one exception is that sometimes you just need to drink a sixpack of beer or a pint of Jack Daniels with a Coca Cola chaser. It isn’t going to harm you if you follow the other rules.

Don’t forget what sculpted your guns in the first place. Once you get down to a respectable body fat it’s easy enough to coast and maintain. Hit the gym every week (even 3 days per week will help you maintain), follow the rules above, and watch yourself never get fat. Once you get lean and wish to only maintain your leanness it’s really very easy. No need to count calories, to count macronutrients, to do cardio, to drink 2 gallons of water per day, to eat 6 meals per day of dry chicken and brown rice. Eat twice, hit the gym, and live your life with your hard-as-a-rock abs.

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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