In this post, We used the vulnerable web application Mutillidae to demonstrate local file inclusion vulnerability.

احصل على ملاحظات شهادة OSCP

In the scenario, we notice the URL:
The parameter page points to a php file. If there is no input validation that checks the user
input to the page parameter, then the user will be able to change the value ( in this case it is
arbitrary-file-inclusion.php) to any desired value. This raises the possibility of exposing
sensitive files on the target machine such as (/etc/passwd).
Lets take an example and try to reveal the content of /etc/resolv.conf. This file shows the
DNS configuration.

Lets take an example and try to reveal the content of /etc/resolv.conf. This file shows the
DNS configuration.

Once local file inclusion is confirmed, we can reveal more sensitive files such as /etc/passwd
and /etc/shadows. We can copy the hashes and usernames in a file for later cracking offline.
عن المؤلف

أقوم بإنشاء ملاحظات حول الأمن السيبراني وملاحظات التسويق الرقمي والدورات التدريبية عبر الإنترنت. أقدم أيضًا استشارات التسويق الرقمي بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، تحسين محركات البحث وإعلانات Google وMeta وإدارة CRM.

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