Banned Mind Control Techniques Unleashed: Learn The Dark Secrets Of Hypnosis, Manipulation, Deception, Persuasion, Brainwashing And Human Psychology

Brain Washing Stages Explained

The first step in brain washing is to put the subject under isolation. The subject will be separated from all of the things that they know. From there, they will be broken down into an emotional state that makes them vulnerable before the new concepts are introduced. As the subject absorbs this new information, they will be rewarded for expressing ideas and thoughts which go along with these new ideas. The rewarding is what will be used in order to reinforce the brainwashing that is occurring.

The second step in brain washing is to break down the old identity. Once the subject is in isolation, they will undergo a process that is meant to break down their own self. They are told that all the things they know are false and are made to feel like everything they do is wrong. After months of going through all of this, the subject will feel like they are bad and the guilt is going to overwhelm them. Once they have reached this point, the agent will start to lead them towards the new belief system and identity that is desired. The subject will be led to believe that the new choices are all their own and so it is more likely to stick.

The assault on the identity of the subject is basically the systematic attack on the subjects’ sense of self, or
their ego or identity along with their core system of belief. It makes the subject question who they are by making them think that everything they have ever known is wrong. The agent will spend a great deal of time denying everything that the subject is.

In prisoner camps, for example, the agent will say things like “You are not defending freedom,” “You are not a man,” and “You are not a soldier.” The subject will be under attacks like these constantly for days up to months. This is done in order to exhaust the subjects so that they become disoriented, confused, and exhausted. When the subject reaches this kind of state, their beliefs will start to seem less solid and they might start to believe the things that they are told.

The third step in brain washing is to extract confession. Now that the subject has been led to believe that they are bad and that all of their actions are undesirable, the agent is going to work to force the subject to admit that they are bad. At this point, the subject is drowning in their own guilt and feeling very disoriented. Through the continuance of the mental attacks, the threat of some great physical harm, or a combination of the two, the agent will be able to force the subject to denounce his old identity.

This can include a wide variety of things such as getting the subject to denounce their own peers, friends, and family who share the same belief system as them. While this process may take a while to occur, once it does, the subject will feel like he betrayed those that he feels loyal to. This will also increase the shame as well as the loss of identity that the target is already feeling, further breaking down the identity of the subject.

Leniency is the “I can help you” stage. The subject has been broken down and forced to turn away from the people and the beliefs that they have held on to for so many years. They have been told that they are bad and that everything they do is wrong. The subject is going to feel lost and all alone in the world, shameful at all of the bad things that they have done and wondering which way they can turn. When they reach this stage, the agent is able to offer them some form of release by offering to help them.

The agent will be able to attach the sense of guilt that the subject is feeling to whatever they want. If the agent is trying to replace a system of beliefs, they will take the old system and convince the subject that those beliefs are what are making them feel the guilt. This is the stage where the contract between the old beliefs and the new beliefs are established; basically, the old belief system has been established to correspond with the psychological agony that the subject has been feeling while the new belief system has been established to correspond with the ability to escape that agony.

The fourth step in brain washing is to build the new desired identity. By this step, the subject has gone through a lot of steps and emotional turmoil. They have been put through an ordeal that is meant to strip them of their old identity, told that they are bad and need to be fixed, and slowly come to the realization that their belief system is the cause of their wrongness and that it needs to be changed. Once all of this has been reached, the subject is going to need to learn how to rebuild their self, with the help of the agent.

This stage allows the agent the freedom to implant the ideas of the new system since the subject is a clean slate and very eager to learn how to be and feel better. There are two steps that are seen during this stage including harmony and the final confession before starting over.

Mind Reading & Control Explained Signs of Lying or Deception

Poor structure of wording or logic

Repeating words

Uses less time talking when answering a question

Repeating your question back to you. They could be playing for time to make up a believable story.

Using “softer” words to cushion the deed that has been done. Instead of using the word steal for example, what they might say instead is borrow.

Talking too much fast which signals they might be feeling nervous

Signs of Manipulation

Too much flattery and charm

Verbal Intimidation

They Make You Feel Bad

They Never Appreciate You

They Belittle You

You Question Your Own Judgement

You’re Always Getting Blamed

Lying to Make You Feel Guilty About Spending Time with Others

They Create Mistrust

They Talk a Lot About “Protecting” You

They Tell You They’ll Die Without You

Signs of insecurity

They are still mulling over the concerns and worries.

They don’t seem settled with the decision that they’re leaning towards at the moment.

They keep asking the same question repeatedly, almost as if they’re having a hard time accepting the answers they’re being given.

They reject your initial suggestion, but then come back and circle around it again.

They ask you want you to think several times, or even what you think they should do.

They might apologize for being indecisive and unable to make a decision just yet.

They’re worried about offending you or making you angry with their decision.

They express concern about not knowing what the right thing to do is.

They worry if the decision they make is going to reflect badly on them.

They feel uncomfortable if they think they are being ganged up on and pressured into making a decision.

They might become defensive if they feel they are being attacked.

They will attempt to impress you but seem nervous about it and the insecurity shows through the tone of their voice.

They’re concerned about not having the support that they need.

They’re too concerned about what others might think.

They have a tendency to strive for perfection (or be a


Reading someone by analyzing jokes

By paying attention to the elements of the joke (things mentioned in the jokes) and its direction (whether it is to demean someone or focus on something) it will reveal a lot about the person’s personality, things they are obssesed with and their intentions.

“Hey! Did you get taller overnight?” At first glance, this statement looks like friendly banter, and it reveals no negative vibe. Now, if you look at the statement from another perception, you will realize that it gives us an opportunity to glimpse the mind of the speaker. In this context, the speaker cares a lot about the height difference.

Reading someone by analyzing stories

When someone tells a story, go ahead and dissect the story and take note of the emphasized points of the story. This will tell you the points/things that the person is most concerned about in general. You will be able to analyze

Defenses against Manipulation or Manipulators

Stay Away From Them

Start Defending Yourself Against Their Bullying

Do Not Let Them Pressure You

Learn How to Say No

Point Out the Consequences

Diffuse and To Exit

Determine Your Boundaries

Rebutting: By rebutting rather than listening, you’re invalidating the manipulator’s efforts in trying to get you to see things their way (so you’re more inclined to do what they want). Here’s an example of what this technique might look like:

Manipulator: I feel like you’re being rude in dismissing my idea when I’ve clearly told you this is how it should be done.

How you would invalidate them: With all due respect, your idea was an inappropriate solution to this situation when we both know there are more effective ways to handle this.

Don’t Try to Correct Them

Quit Trying So Hard to Fit in With the Wrong Crowd

Turn the Tables: Manipulators will constantly try to work against you. They’ll befriend your friends, and then try to turn them against you. They’ll convince you to do most of the work, and then take equal or more credit from behind your back. They’ll entice you with the same reward and watch as you continuously try to chase it. They’ll remember all your past mistakes and never miss an opportunity to make you feel bad about it. If the manipulator you’re trying to rid yourself of continues to work even harder to make your life a living nightmare, you need to turn the tables on them and strike back. Find what’s giving them their support, and then weaken it so the manipulator no longer has a strong enough foothold. This support could be their followers, supporters, subordinates, a skill that they have or some resource that they might be in control of. Befriend their supports and make them your allies. Make connections with others who have a similar skill so the manipulator is not the only one who is in control. Turning the tables on them and weakening the hold that they have will end of throwing them off balance so they no longer focus on trying to dominate your life, but focus instead on trying to reclaim their position in their own circle.

Don’t Compromise

Have Your Own Purpose

Stop Being a Punching Bag

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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