
In the TV series Dexter, season 7 and season 8 , the relationship between Dexter Morgan and Hannah McKay is one of the most complex and significant romantic arcs in the show. Here’s an explanation of their relationship across the seasons:

Hannah McKay

Hannah McKay, played by Yvonne Strahovski, is introduced in Season 7 of Dexter as a dangerous and enigmatic woman with a dark past. She is a former accomplice to a series of murders during her teenage years, but she managed to escape punishment by claiming she was coerced by her former partner. When she resurfaces in Miami, she has turned her life around and is working as a horticulturist.

Dexter initially encounters Hannah as part of his job as a forensic expert investigating cold cases, specifically her past crimes. Dexter becomes intrigued by Hannah, who is revealed to be a killer herself. Unlike Dexter, she doesn’t have a “code” or any moral guideline, but she kills in self-defense or when feeling threatened. This lack of remorse resonates with Dexter on a fundamental level, sparking an unexpected connection between the two.

Romantic Relationship

Despite Dexter’s initial intention to kill Hannah after discovering her guilt, he is drawn to her because she understands his dark impulses in a way no one else ever has. Unlike Dexter’s previous relationships, where he had to hide his true nature, with Hannah, there’s no need for secrets. She accepts Dexter for who he is, including his “Dark Passenger” (his compulsion to kill).

Their relationship turns romantic, with both finding solace in each other’s acceptance. However, this relationship is fraught with tension due to the dangerous nature of both individuals. Dexter, who follows his strict moral code of only killing other murderers, is conflicted about being with someone like Hannah, who kills without such constraints.


Throughout Season 7, Hannah’s presence complicates Dexter’s life significantly:

  • Debra’s Disapproval: Dexter’s sister, Debra Morgan, despises Hannah after learning about her involvement in past murders. Debra even tries to arrest her multiple times, leading to a significant strain in the sibling relationship.
  • Hannah’s Unpredictability: Despite their connection, Dexter is often unsure if he can fully trust Hannah. She is capable of extreme actions, as seen when she poisons Debra at one point, although not fatally. This act creates a major rift between Dexter and Hannah.

In the end, Dexter chooses to let Hannah go, helping her evade capture, as he cannot bring himself to kill her despite her dangerous nature. There’s a deep emotional bond between them that surpasses the physical relationship.

Hannah’s Return in Season 8 and Final Events

In the final season (Season 8), Hannah reappears, now living under an alias and trying to escape her past. Despite their separation, Dexter’s feelings for her remain strong, and he finds himself drawn back into her life.

  • Plans for a Future Together: Hannah and Dexter rekindle their relationship, and this time, Dexter considers leaving his life of killing behind to be with her. They plan to run away together to Argentina with Dexter’s son, Harrison, in hopes of starting a new life. Hannah, having grown closer to Harrison, also desires a stable future with Dexter.
  • Ending and Separation: In the series finale, Dexter ultimately decides that being with Hannah would put her and Harrison in danger because of his violent tendencies and the darkness that surrounds him. In a final act of selflessness, Dexter fakes his own death to protect them. Hannah, left in Argentina, takes on the responsibility of raising Harrison.


Dexter and Hannah’s relationship is one of mutual understanding of each other’s darkness. Hannah is the only romantic partner who truly accepts Dexter’s true nature, and their relationship represents a departure from Dexter’s usual isolation. However, despite their connection, Dexter’s need to protect those he loves leads him to sacrifice their relationship. In the end, their love story is one of passion, danger, and ultimately, loss, as Dexter’s decision to separate himself from Hannah ensures their safety but leaves them apart forever.

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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