Disclaimer: The content displayed in the article is directly copied from boldanddetermined.com (which was closed down) to be available for those who are looking for it.

Boys, it’s imperative to have a mission in life. Let’s forget about this dream business. Dreams are the bullshit you do when you sleep. Your mission is what you fill your waking life with. A dream is by very definition fantasy. A mission is something you have every intention of fulfilling.

You got to think of your goals as missions. You got so say to yourself “I’m going to run 5 miles or I’m going to drop dead and nothin’ in between“. With that mindset there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.

Say to yourself “I’m going to do this even if it kills me“.

Don’t say “I sure would like to do this some day…“.

Nobody needs to know your mission but you.

You don’t need to go blabbing about your mission. You just need to have it firmly planted in your mind.

How to start going on missions

The first step you take is to turn all your short term goals into missions. Give yourself to those missions with a one track mind, a tunnel vision. Transform yourself from everyday John Johnson into the Terminator and get after it.

I can’t even tell you how great it is to be fired up about one thing and then get that motherfucker accomplished. It’s the best feeling in the whole, big, wide world.

It doesn’t matter how big or small the mission is. Just get fired up about that one thing and turn it into overdrive until it’s done. Keep doing it and doing it. Get your ‘to-do’ list out everyday and turn each of those tasks into missions.

So how do you figure out what your life mission is?

Hey man, that’s really just as simple as could be. You can do that in three easy steps.

Step 1) Figure out who you are

There are a lot of lost souls in our world but, boy, you got to know who you are. You can’t be no lost soul on a mission. Lot of men in our world emasculated, lot of men raised by single mommy’s, lot of men don’t understand what race they are, lot of men don’t understand their own, lot of men at war with their own thoughts and feelings.

Cut out the bullshit and figure out who you are. If you’re a redneck then stand up and say it loud and proud “My name’s Ronnie Joe and I’m a redneck and damn proud of it“.

You are something, man, you ain’t nothing. Figure out just what the hell that is.

Step 2) Figure out what you stand for

Now that you know who you are you can figure out what you stand for.

You can stand for good.

You can stand for evil.

Or you can stand out of the way.

Choice is yours.

Step 3) Give some of what you got to the world

Everybody’s here for a purpose. That’s what I believe. Your purpose is up to you to decide but your life purpose has got to be something you can be proud of. Now that you know who you are and what you stand for you can give some of that to the world.

The Buddhists say what goes around comes around. They call it karma. Another way of thinking about it is ’cause and effect’.

There’s an internet forum where all the internet guys go to hang out and trade war stories. The stories are always the same, the guys who provide a service and value, are on a mission for success and have the mind of a killer are always getting ahead. On the opposite side are the guys who don’t want to build anything, don’t want to work for anything and just want to scam people out of money always complain how they can’t find success.

That’s their karma. Their life mission is to be a parasite. They could change it with the snap of a finger but they never do and nothing but despair comes from their lips.

You have to take your pick out of 3 options

I) You can do a little bit of good and get a little bit of good coming your way.

II) You knowingly do evil and it’s gonna eat at your soul, if you even have one, until it’s been eaten away.

III) You can just stand out of the way and let things happen, like all those lost souls you see everyday stuck in traffic. Those people are just along for the ride, you want to be like them? Fuck those people, they aren’t winners. Even those people don’t want to be those people.

And if you think your life has no purpose, boy, I pity you but maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s your fate to be stuck in traffic waiting to die.

For the rest of you killers and real dealers

Forget about having dreams, leave that to the little girls dreaming of becoming princesses, and start focusing on completing your missions.

When your mission is accomplished that’s when you’ll be living the dream.

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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