Disclaimer: The content displayed in the article is directly copied from boldanddetermined.com (which was closed down) to be available for those who are looking for it. Some parts were edited by the writer of this post to fit a wider audience and convery more benefits.

The #1 Tip to Survive the Apocalypse –


In times of war, paper currency becomes massively devalued (due to hyper-inflation) while gold generally keeps its value.

When I was in Vietnam I learned that every Vietnamese family, no matter how poor, has a storage of gold hidden somewhere in their house or shack.

During the war in Vietnam, the rich people that bought gold kept their wealth and the rich people who kept their money in banks completely lost their wealth.

The Vietnamese are big on gold and some Vietnamese friends have been messaging me a lot lately telling me I need to buy gold and hide it somewhere safe and tell nobody about it or where it’s hidden, except for mother and father.

Mother and father brought us into this world and are the only people who love us unconditionally.

For everyone else, gold and riches may look bright and shiny but they actually turn the hearts and souls black.

The reason they tell me to buy gold is that in the event of some sort of “happening”, the dollar will collapse and become worthless while gold will keep some value.

In this type of event you will want gold so that you can afford to buy food.

This type of event happened in Germany before the world wars. Their paper money became totally worthless.

This type of event is happening right now in Venezuela, once the richest economy in Latin America and now the poorest.

Their money is so worthless that you need a wheelbarrow full of it just to buy a hamburger and a coca-cola.

Many of them have quit working because they actually make less money at work than they pay for the bus-fair to go to work.

To survive in Venezuela right now you have to have someone outside of the country send you $100-$200 USD every month. Without that outside money, nobody in Venezuela could survive.

I am not saying the same thing will definitely happen to the US dollar, but I am definitely saying anybody who has a brain should buy and hide some gold.

The dumb robots in America and elsewhere live in a delusion and think, “It couldn’t happen here.”

Listen here:

Anything that can happen there can happen here.

The problems are: Massive inflation and stagnant salaries. The price of food and commodities goes up, the salaries stay the same.

This type of quick inflation can happen anywhere and if you’re stuck holding paper currency, you can watch it devalue over-night.

In that case, gold is a great backup plan.

3 Quick Tips For Buying Gold:

  1. Buy gold coins or gold bars, don’t buy gold jewelry – Jewelry has a terrible resell value but gold coins and bars keep good value.
  2. Hide the gold somewhere nobody can find it – Get very creative. Burying it in the yard may be a bad idea because if there is a catastrophic flood in your area, well, say bye-bye to your gold.
  3. Tell nobody except mother or father (if they’re trustworthy) – Other people will turn into vultures if something bad happens.

Optional Tip For Surviving the Apocalypse (only for skinny people)

If tough times are ahead (and they probably are) then it is a possibility that we could be facing massive food shortages.

In that instance, we will be forced to fast (starve), just as the Russians were starved by the Soviets one hundred years ago.

In that scenario, there is one thing you really want to be…


A bear eats all summer in an effort to get fat enough to survive the winter. If nuclear winter is coming, smart humans will want to do the same thing.

The skinnier you are, the harder it is going to be to fast and the earlier you will die.

The fatter you are, the easier it will be and the longer you can survive.

The fat on your body is actually just food for later.

That’s why we get fat in the first place, body-fat is food storage for the times we cannot eat any food at all.

When we are in situations without food, the body eats the body-fat to survive.

It’s an ingenious creation by our creator and there are recorded instances of obese people fasting for over 300 days (that’s 300 days with NO food, just water, with no ill effects).

In modern society obviously being fat is gross and unnecessary and we do everything we can to stay lean. But that is because we have constant food sources and have no need to carry any extra fat.

“But , there’s plenty of food to go around!”

That is true.

However, you must understand one thing…

Starvation does not happen because we run out of food.

Starvation is a tool of political control.

And let me tell you one thing sincerely: They. Want. Absolute. Control.

The politicians are willing to starve people to get control, just as they starved millions of people in Russia and China and many other places.

“But it can’t happen in the west!”

Don’t make me laugh.

In recent memory, people starved in Germany, Ireland, and Russia. Many of those people were forced to turn cannibalistic to survive.

Within the last century people also starved en masse in China, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Syria, Vietnam and many others.

Do you think fertile lands like those found in Cambodia and Vietnam cannot produce enough food? I already told you, don’t make me laugh.

Mass starvation events are caused by world governments and they have happened countless times in the past and you can bet they will happen countless times in the future.

Before the Americans went to Vietnam, the Vietnamese were fighting with the French and the Vietnamese were starving.

They tell me the Viet people were walking around so skinny they looked like the walking dead and they had no energy to move.

(OFF TOPIC: It sounds crazy but the Viets actually love Americans to this day because the French starved them but Americans gave them food, clothing, built schools etc (as well as machine-gunned many of them to death). An old woman told me she loved Americans because when she was starving an American soldier gave her an apple. The Southern Viets actually wanted Vietnam to become the 51st star of America. Little did they know, the war was actually about Golden Triangle heroin and not about helping the Viets. Older readers may remember many American soldiers returning home addicted to drugs. Now back on topic…)

Therefore, in light of these facts, if you are skinny it may be a good idea to try and put on 10, 15, or even 20 extra lbs (5-10 kgs).

Some extra weight can give you enough padding through the rough times, just like a grizzly bear has padding for the winter hibernation.

It is better to be prepared than to be scared.

While no one can know exactly what is going to happen, except for the wizards behind the curtain, one can always be prepared.

And these are my two tips to prepare for the apocalypse:

  1. Buy and hide gold
  2. Get a little bit fatter (optional)

Of course you also want to store extra dry food and water, salt, guns and ammo, flashlights and batteries, and other important items like magnesium and potassium (for electrolytes).

You will definitely want to know where the spring water sources are in your area. You will want to know what kind of hunting and foraging is available in your area.

You may want to consider leaving big cities. If you’re really paranoid, like I am, you may want to consider leaving the country.

  • If you were in Russia while they were starving and murdering Russians in the Russian Revolution, a better place to be would be anywhere except Russia.
  • If you were in Cambodia while they were starving and murdering Khmers (Cambodians) in the Khmer Rouge, a better place to be would be anywhere except Cambodia.
  • If you were in China while they were starving and murdering Chinese during the Great Leap Forward, a better place to be would be anywhere except China.
  • Take note: Any time they paint a wonderful picture of the future and call it a revolution or a leap forward, they might have other plans in mind.

There are many ways to prepare and I’m not here to tell you definitely what to do or where to live. That’s up to you.

I am here to say preparation is a good idea.

And I hope all of the preparation is totally pointless.

But even if it is ultimately pointless to prepare, it is wise.

And in times of war, which is right now, you should not ever assume the best and disregard all precautions.

That being said, there’s no reason to worry or be afraid because hard times do not last forever.

That is another thing Emilio the Jew told me about 20 times.

He said, over and over…

“Don’t worry, be happy.”

That is one rule I do follow.

I don’t worry about anything, even the “end of the world.”

That’s because I know a secret…

Nothing ever ends and death is nothing but a rebirth.

I don’t fear death any more than I fear the changing of the seasons.

Even after the apocalypse, even after the diabolical governments of the world destroy everything, we will reset and the people will continue on.

This has happened multiple times in our history. The governments go crazy and annihilate everything, then we start over.

Life always finds a way.

There will never be a time in which the earth is void of human life.

The EARTH is our HEARTH is our HEART.

You have been on this earth for a long time and you will continue to be on this earth for a long time.

There is nothing to worry about…

So don’t worry, be happy.

La la la la la la la la la la la la la.

(Though you may want to buy and hide some gold and get a little bit fatter if you’re skinny. It really couldn’t hurt.)

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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