Gentlemen, I am going to let you in on the secret of living a long life full of happiness, health, vitality and drive. But first, I want you to do me a favor. Think of all the old fellas that you know. Think of all the old fellas you see in the gym. The old fellas in the gym belong to two categories. In one category, you have the walking train-wrecks. They have big fat beer bellies or they look like they’re about to break a hip as they sit on the thigh abductor machine. The other type of old fella, type 2, is the enviable type. This is the type that has low body fat, above average muscle mass and a good and healthy outlook. This is the type of old fella you look at and think “wow, that old fella is in great shape. I hope I look like that when I’m older“.

Guess what, friends….

Those old fellas who are in tremendous shape didn’t get there by “dedication” or by eating chicken and rice or by having “good genetics”. They got there by taking their destiny into their own hands. Rather than wither away like the rest of the old farts, the “young in spirit and body” old fellas got there by manipulating their hormone balance.

You see, there is one very important hormone for men. This hormone is called testosterone.

Certainly you have all heard of testosterone and you have most certainly heard about what a killer drug it is and how your dick will fall off if you take it.

So rather than take it, most of us just suffer. And believe me friends, suffer is the most appropriate word. Testosterone levels are falling worldwide at astronomical rates. That isn’t my opinion, even though it is easily observed with my own two eyeballs, that is a scientific fact.

Fret not friends, because there is an answer to the epidemic of low testosterone.

You simply do not have to grow old pitifully. You can take a bite of an apple fallen from the tree of life and stay young in body and mind until your last days.

The cure, friends, for this withering killer, is called synthetic testosterone and is available to you 100% legally by your kindly, local Doctor. It’s called Testosterone Replacement Therapy. If you are young 25 and under then you can follow natural methods to maintain or increase testosterone. If you are 30 and above, you have the option to check your testosterone levels at your local doctor’s office and start a therapy cycle if they advise you to do so.

DON’T go about this on your own, remember this, I am not advising nor recommending anyone to start any form of drug therapy unless it’s recommended and authorized by a doctor.

How can you tell if you have low testosterone? Well, if you are alive today it is a certainty that you have lower testosterone levels than an older man.

How do you know if you might have low testosterone?

  • If you are alive today you almost certainly have low levels than older generations with similar fitness level to yours.
  • If you experience muscle loss or inability to gain muscle.
  • If you experience fat gain.
  • If you are fatigued or have sleep problems.
  • If you have gynecomastia (aka bitch tits).
  • If you experience hot flashes.
  • If you have night sweats.
  • If you have low sex drive and weak erections.
  • If you are irritable.
  • If you are depressed.
  • If you experience hair loss.
  • If you have memory problems.
  • If you have memory problems (ha).
MAXIMUM MUSCLE minimum fat book summary

How do you fix low levels of testosterone?

If you are getting older and none of the natural methods have helped in alleviating the above low testosterone methods, then its time to consult a doctor.

It’s called Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT.

You go to your local Doctor and you say “Doc, I have low T. Fix me up“. Your kindly Doctor will prescribe the necessary ingredients to get you fixed up and feeling like a teenager again. He will monitor and check your hormone levels and blood levels as a precaution. You will be in the hands of a professional.

Your Doc will prescribe you one of two options:

  1. Injectable testosterone to be injected into the glutes or the shoulders once every week to every two weeks.
  2. A testosterone cream that you rub into your skin everyday.

A Doctor prescribed dose is going to be pretty low. It’s going to be very low compared to a bodybuilding dose. It’s simply going to bring your levels to where they should be in the first place.

You can expect better recovery from intense exercise and less soreness. You can expect enhanced muscle growth. You can expect erections like when you were a teenager. You can expect to feel like a fucking man. As simple as that.

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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