The Snow Girl is a Spanish mystery thriller series that premiered on Netflix on January 27, 2023. Based on Javier Castillo’s novel, the series unfolds in Málaga, Spain, and follows the harrowing disappearance of five-year-old Amaya Martín during the 2010 Twelfth Night Parade. The narrative intricately weaves between the perspectives of the grieving parents, Ana and Álvaro Martín, the determined journalist intern Miren Rojo, and the diligent police inspector Belén Millán.
Plot Overview
During the festive Twelfth Night Parade, young Amaya vanishes amidst the crowd, leaving her parents devastated. The police, led by Inspector Millán, launch an extensive investigation but struggle to find leads. Miren Rojo, an intern at the local newspaper Diario Sur, becomes deeply invested in the case, driven by her own past traumas. She embarks on a parallel investigation, often collaborating with her mentor, Eduardo.
The series spans several years, depicting the relentless search for Amaya. In 2016, a breakthrough occurs when Miren receives a VHS tape showing Amaya alive, reigniting hope and intensifying the investigation. The narrative delves into themes of loss, resilience, and the impact of past traumas on the present.
Key Characters
Eduardo (José Coronado): Miren’s mentor and a seasoned journalist who supports her investigative efforts.
Miren Rojo (Milena Smit): A tenacious journalist intern haunted by her past, whose determination drives the search for Amaya.
Inspector Belén Millán (Aixa Villagrán): The lead police investigator committed to solving the case despite numerous challenges.
Ana and Álvaro Martín (Loreto Mauleón and Raúl Prieto): Amaya’s parents, whose lives are shattered by their daughter’s disappearance.
Critical Reception
“The Snow Girl” has been praised for its gripping narrative and strong performances, particularly by Milena Smit. The series effectively builds suspense, keeping viewers engaged through its twists and emotional depth. However, some critics have noted that certain plot developments are predictable, and the pacing may feel slow at times.
The Ending Explained
In the final episode, set nine years after Amaya’s disappearance, Miren’s investigation leads her to Iris Molina, a former patient of Ana’s fertility clinic. Iris, unable to have children, had impulsively kidnapped Amaya during the parade to raise her as her own daughter, renaming her Julia.
Miren visits Iris’s secluded home under the guise of a reporter. Although she doesn’t immediately find Amaya, her visit alarms Iris, prompting her to flee with Amaya that night. Miren follows them, leading to a tense confrontation. In a desperate attempt to avoid capture, Iris drives their van off a cliff, resulting in her death. Amaya survives the crash but is initially hostile toward Miren, having been brainwashed to fear outsiders. After a brief struggle, Miren restrains Amaya until authorities arrive.
The reunion between Amaya and her biological parents is emotionally complex. Having been isolated for nine years and believing Iris was her mother, Amaya struggles to reconnect with Ana and Álvaro. The series concludes with a glimmer of hope as Amaya allows her parents to sit with her while watching cartoons, suggesting the beginning of a slow healing process.
Season Two Coming Soon
In the closing scene, set two years later, Miren, now an established author, receives an envelope containing a photograph of another bound and blindfolded girl, hinting at a new case. This cliffhanger suggests the possibility of a second season, with Miren potentially embarking on a new investigation
“The Snow Girl” offers a compelling exploration of a family’s anguish and a journalist’s relentless pursuit of truth. Its intricate storytelling and character development make it a noteworthy addition to Netflix’s catalog of international thrillers.