The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential


Assume, for instance, that you wish to purchase your ideal home.

“Yes, I can afford it, or at least figure out how to make it happen,” is one possible thought. And you would feel positive, isn’t that right? After that, you would take action, such as searching online for a real estate agent, available homes, or available money plan options.

You would take baby steps toward your ideal house.

The thought “Yes, I can” is what propels you in the direction of your goal.

Conversely, if you were to consider: “A dream house? Not in a manner. That’s not how I see it.” You would elicit feelings of disempowerment and most likely stop there. No action, and regrettably, no outcome.

This makes sense for everything in life.

Feelings and thoughts turn into deeds, which produce your outcome.

It’s very easy.

What would you reply now if I told you that you could miraculously level up your entire life by raising your consciousness?

Getting outcomes lot more quickly and easily? You would be more in line with your universal direction, make better decisions because more aligned choices mean you’re in much better health and flow, because thought and emotions plus actions equal results.

You guessed it, of course;). Of course you can. We now have a very useful tool thanks to Dr. David Hawkins to better comprehend the relationships between consciousness (again, thoughts and emotions), general wellbeing, and our power to influence the outside environment.

How did The Map of Consciousness come out?

Dr. Hawkins was a psychiatrist and best-selling writer who lived from 1927 until 2012. He believed that spirituality may aid in the healing of individuals and the earth as a whole.

Dr. Hawkins employed muscle testing and over 250,000 calibrations over the course of 20 years of research to define a range of values, attitudes, and emotions that correlate to different levels of awareness. Power vs. Force, the New York Times bestseller written by Dr. Hawkins, first discussed the Map of Consciousness, which is based on this range of values on a logarithmic scale from 1 to 1,000.

The Map of Consciousness® provides a crucial framework for understanding human consciousness and related energy systems, as we now know. I’ll now take you across the map, going from lowest to highest, and the first thing you can do is ask yourself, “Where am I mostly at right now?” to start thinking. Naturally, emotions are dynamic, so we’re not always ecstatic or furious. Where, then, are you vibrating the most? Put it in writing without passing judgment.

Levels of The Map of Consciousness

The Out Of The Zone 1

The consciousness of shame (at age 20), guilt (at age 30), indifference (at age 50), grief (at age 75), and terror (at age 100) is at the very bottom of the scale.

It’s the feeling that you’re locked in a cycle of unpleasant emotions and are truly unable to create much. Working with people who are generally in that state or who get there fast makes it clear that I need to teach them how to generate good energy in order to give them the drive and vigor to even get out of bed.

Out of the Zone 2

Next up are the conscious states of pride (175), wrath (150), and desire (125).

There’s movement now, occasionally even hyperactivity, but it’s mostly aimless. Up until my change, I’ve mostly been in that state when using a treadmill. I had a high-performing work that allowed me to escape from myself, and I lived up to social pressures and status. However, what left me feeling worn out most of the time.

Dr. Hawkins says that both out of the Zone stages are associated with bad health. It’s where you primarily identify with your physical appearance as well as external factors, viewpoints, and stimulation.

Level 1

At last, positivity has entered the equation, resulting in increased output, contentment, and health. You confront your traumas, take action, and let go of the idea that you are stuck. You take ownership of your life and make it happen.

The consciousness we are discussing is the consciousness of bravery (at 200), forgiveness (at 350), trust (at 250), and optimism (at 310).

It seems to me to be the moment when you begin to realize your true purpose and strength. and when you understand the true extent of your effect in the world. No longer feeling like a victim of events, but rather like a maker of life.

This is an exciting stage since there is a lot of development going on. You begin to sense the richness of life and begin to pay more and more attention to your intuition.

After then, things simply get better.

Level 2

When you vibrate predominantly at 400, the level of comprehending consciousness, you have reached this stage.

Awareness of both oneself and other people. being able to perceive the world from a variety of perspectives and not being unduly identified with the ego. without becoming agitated or hostile. and establishing deep connections with other people.

Level 3

It is the state in which you vibrate at love (500) or higher: peace (600), joy (540), and thankfulness (519). or the ultimate peak, enlightenment, at 1000.

Optimal flow and happiness have now entered your life. being in excellent health and vigor, and feeling a connection to the planet, other people, and the cosmos as a whole.

Oh my goodness, there are so many synchronicities occurring at this point. And it seems like you’re not working hard at anything anymore. It’s all about serving, having fun, and surviving.

Note: Dr. David Hawkins’ website sells the infographic since The Map of Consciousness® is a trademark.

How to use and apply The Map of Consciousness

That’s the Map now, providing you with a structure to consider where you are at in terms of consciousness. But how do you advance to more advanced states?

Naturally, there are a variety of ways to leave the lower states. We do all of these things in our program to assist you succeed.

You can start using a very easy method right now that greatly assisted me and my clients in navigating this journey of self-transformation.

1. Intention

“Our reality is created by our intention” – Wayne Dyer

The majority of us are extremely critical of ourselves—even judgmental. Upon seeing the map, we might reflect on our past experiences and then tell ourselves things like, “Oh my goodness, I was in hyper-active mode for the majority of my life, which means I’m in such low states of consciousness.”

If you begin there, you may bring about, validate, and intensify lower states of consciousness, which is the opposite of what you want. You generate low-frequency feelings of remorse and shame. And you don’t want that, do you?

Let’s begin in a new way now.

with your ultimate objective. The awareness you wish to become more aware of.

Make an intention before you begin. Decide clearly where you want to go in the upcoming days, weeks, and months. Put it in writing as a pledge to yourself.

In order to notify the universe that your purpose is already a reality, use the words “I AM” to amplify it. Put things like “I am optimistic,” “I am forgiving,” or “I am love” on paper.

2. Observation

The purest form of spiritual practice is unjudging self-observation. – Guru Kripalu

Now take note of who you are. Gently, without passing judgment, not in a manic manner. Most of us have experienced it. This world is lucky to have you. You are changing for the better and accepting responsibility for yourself. That is quite a bit!

All you do is bring the unconscious ideas and actions to light through observation. You are now able to “catch them” gently and transform critical thoughts and statements into positive ones when you find yourself saying or thinking something bad.

I understand that this seems easy. And too wonderful to be real. However, what’s the deal? That’s how I did it, and my clients also did it. It did the trick, and neuroscience now says that voicing your intentions and making them come true isn’t all that stupid after all;)))

3. Action

Reality is created by emotion. Action is required by reality. – Brian Eno

Taking action is the final step. With every action we take, every emotion becomes authentic. The words we say to ourselves and to others, as well as how we act toward them. and the actions we do after that.

Consider this. How can you increasingly turn your intentions into deeds?

For example, when you want to be upbeat, engage in positive self-talk and take a risk—believing that everything will work out for the best.

Alternatively, when wishing to be in love, making time each day for self-care and contacting friends to express gratitude for their wonderful company.

Designing your reality should be enjoyable. Step by step, and genuinely appreciate the experience as it unfolds.

You own such immense power. Disempowerment will end right now, correct? 🙂

because we are now entering a new planet. You are deserving of all that and more.

And I’m positive that Dr. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness, when combined with the Intention – Observation – Action – Exercise, will help you come closer and closer to your ideal state of consciousness.

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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