Wrong Side of the Tracks TV Series 2021 | Key Facts & Characters & Ending Explained

Wrong Side of the Tracks revolves around Tirso, a hardened ex-soldier thrust back into a world he left behind when his granddaughter gets embroiled with a local drug ring. Tirso plays a grumpy, racist, belligerent man with some hilarious one-liners and insults. The friendship and banter among him and his two ex Army friends is totally believable and so funny.

Watching Tirso grow as a person with Gladys’s help was a real treat. The back story of the three amigos is a great frame of friendship and loyalty. The Amanda portrayal was also very good. She played the part with warmth and just the right amount of intensity. Ezekiel really added a lot to the story. Watching him play all sides against each other and trying to make sure everyone survived was quite clever.

The show’s strength lies in its ability to seamlessly blend these elements. The action sequences are pulse-pounding, keeping you on the edge of your seat. The narrative maintains a constant sense of suspense, leaving you wondering what dangerous situation Tirso will face next. But beneath the thrill lies a touching story about family and the unwavering love between a grandfather and his granddaughter.

This show contains lots of action, emotion, adventure, suspense, romance, violence, friendship, loyalty, trust, narcissism, heartbreak, loss, recentment, passion, love, loss, sadness. It is a great series for those who are open minded and appreciate a variety of genres and a wide range of emotional connections.

Entrevías’ masterfully intertwines the unbreakable ties of family with the gritty reality of urban strife, delivering an unforgettable saga of courage, redemption, and the enduring power of love. A must-watch, this series offers a blend of high-stakes drama and heart-stopping action that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

If you are a fan of old Clint Eastwood movies, you’ll probably like this series


José Coronados character, Tirso, is one of those characters that everyone will hate especially in the first few episodes. Eventually he’ll grow on you. Don’t get me wrong, he is still a very angry and racist bitter old man but at least you’ll be able to see another side of him. Also he is extremely sarcastic which is hilarious in itself. I found myself laughing out loud at his one liners and superbly timed come backs.

The chemistry between actors Jose Coronado and Luis Zahera – so great in an earlier drama Unauthorised Living – is brilliant in this series too. Zahera is just totally scene-stealing in every moment on screen as the flawed but funny and charming cop Eziquiel.

The characters and themes are very similar to Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood. The protagonist even looks like him. Excellent character building. Touches on themes of classism, racism and shows once the unique individuals see deeper into another their perspectives change.

Season One and Two Recap

We were introduced to Tirso and his granddaughter Irene, and we saw how Irene overcame all obstacles to be with Nelson, the love of her life. Once a dishonest police officer, Ezekiel became a good man who was shot and killed by a gang, but he returned in the most recent season. After overcoming their past relationship problems, Nelson and Irene are now together.

Irene and Nelson

Jimena, Tirso’s daughter, adopted Irene and has always taken good care of her, although she didn’t realize that Irene occasionally felt uncomfortable in this household. Irene never felt comfortable with her family, therefore she found pals who became part of drug-trafficking organizations. Nelson was a punk kid involved in drug trafficking; he was one of them. Irene, fed up with Jimena’s restrictions, made the decision to move out of the house with her lover and try to make a lot of money by selling narcotics, but they were discovered. In order to care for his granddaughter, Tirso took over and sternly forbidden Nelson from seeing Irene. Meanwhile, it became known that Irene was expecting Nelson’s kid and intended to keep it.

Irene wanted to follow her dreams of dancing and asked her grandfather to take her to dance classes where she could receive training. However, after a few classes, the teachers advised her to put her health first because dancing could lead to miscarriage during pregnancy. Irene was devastated to have to drop out of school due to her pregnancy, but in the interim, Tirso and Jimena found out that Irene had been hiding her pregnancy from them for some time. After talking things over, Tirso and Jimena came to the decision to do what would make Irene happy and at peace.

Nelson, who had been estranged from Irene for some time, had been seeing Nata, a punk who later became a formidable gang leader. Nata was upset that Nelson had severed his relationship with her after learning of Irene’s pregnancy, but she refrained from taking revenge on him and his family because she felt compassion for Nelson and her unborn child.

Who Was the Ghost?

The real estate mogul Guillermo Salgado awarded a contract to Jimena, Tirso’s daughter, a real estate agent, to purchase most of the neighborhood’s homes, especially those in the areas known for being home to drug dens.

Jimena initially accepted Salgado’s offer to convince the people to accept it without giving it much thought. Salgado attempted to indoctrinate them by informing them that the area had changed and that he required the support of all the residents to buy out their establishments, such as shops or bars, in order to bring about a complete transformation. Tirso confronted Salgado after much deliberation, holding fast to his stance that he wouldn’t be selling his store.

After a long period of harboring many preconceptions, Tirso began to view variety more favorably. He realized that people had come here seeking safety from oppression so they could stand on their own two feet, and Salgado could not be the one to take away their happiness and dreams.

Finally, Tirso gathered information on Salgado that clearly showed that not only did Salgado own several locations in the neighborhood that had been linked to drug traffickers, but he was also not even trying to report them. With the assistance of journalist Angel, Tirso revealed Salgado’s background in a meeting, and as a result, Salgado was jeered out of the neighborhood and the homeowners refused to sell their homes.

Jimena revealed that she had always been gay but had hidden it out of fear of Tirso when Amanda and Jimena began to feel something for one another. In addition, Tirso acknowledged his daughter’s relationship, suggesting that his sour disposition was gradually wearing off.

Ezekiel Explained

Because we can never totally rely on Ezequiel and because we can never conclusively classify him as a nasty guy, he is one of the funniest and most complex characters out of all of them. When Ezequiel first made an appearance in season 1, he was merely a mole in the police department. He never actually killed anyone, although he did work for Sandro in the past in order to have easy access to money. Rather, as Sandro’s servant, he did everything in his power to prevent the man from killing anyone in the Entrevias area. Even though Ezequiel gave off the impression of being a street smartass sometimes, luck wasn’t on his side. He used humor as a coping method, which occasionally annoyed people with the character.

Luis Zahera, the Spanish actor, performed so brilliantly that at times he even made the character’s jokes and attempts to make matters worse seem disgusting. Set aside his sense of humor, Ezequiel was a person who knew what it meant to be loved without conditions. He sacrificed everything he had to Gladys because she was his one and only real love. He had repeatedly shown that he had a golden heart full of love and compassion by allowing Gladys to be with the guy she loved and by saving Gladys’s son’s life multiple times. Nelson invited Ezequiel in to beat him till he bled excessively, as we can see, under the effect of Nata. Ezequiel didn’t think of getting even with Nelson just for Gladys’ sake, even though Nelson should never be forgiven for the things he had to do. At first, he was just an officer who had been corrupted, but Amanda was the only one who was able to extract the most from him.

What happened in season 3?

Nata, Ezekiel and Dulce

The third season of Wrong Side of the Tracks began with a pregnant Irene sleeping at Tirso’s house with Nelson. Maricarmen, who had returned to Entrevias to build her own foundation in the neighborhood, was discovered by Tirso. Mari Carmen had left Tirso and their kids to travel the world because she was fed up with his unreasonable habits and obstinacy, but now she wanted to start her own foundation to support the neighborhood kids in getting involved in extracurricular activities, which would reduce crime and corruption in the area. Tirso had little say in the matter since Maricarmen, also known as Maica, wanted to improve the area, so she engaged Nelson for her project. Jimena eventually forgave her mother, even though she had first harbored resentment against her.

To get Nata’s group to leave him alone, Ezekiel feigned to have dementia when he awoke from his coma. Ezekiel began meeting in secret with Dulce, a woman he had assisted in leaving the neighborhood before. Dulce wanted nothing more than to become the lead in the gang and remove Nata from the scene, so she set her eyes on Nata’s group. Dulce had no one else but him, the people she named her family, even though Ezekiel didn’t want to assist her in this.

The new inspector; Romero

After Amanda killed Salgado in the previous season, the Ministry of Interior, Juan, put Antonio Romero in charge of watching over Entrevias because Amanda could have gone to jail for the crime. Romero was not a sincere inspector; rather, he was only using Juan as a stepping stone to enter the political arena.

Additionally, he was associated with the Gypsy Village gang, led by Uncle Rafael. Romero planned an attack on Maica’s foundation and incited a conflict between Maica and Nata’s gang, who already harbored profound hostility for Tirso and his family, in an effort to present himself as the neighborhood’s rescuer.

Romero had planned to come up there as a hero to save Maica from the flames, but Ezekiel arrived first and saved Maica. Juan reappointed Ezekiel as a police officer in the precinct after he stole Romero’s thunder. Even though Maica was about to give up on the foundation and planned to leave the nation once more, her family continued to be a tremendous source of strength and support for her. They assisted Maica in renovating and rebuilding her foundation.

Amanda and Jimena

After the former was released from prison, Amanda and Jimena picked up their romance again, and they now intend to tie the knot. Jimena, though, was more concerned about the union of Irene and Nelson. After giving birth to her son Victor, Irene’s family wanted to see her get married to Nelson, but she had higher goals in mind and wanted to start dancing again. She was given the opportunity to dance in Paris; she would have to leave Entrevias to do this. At first, Nelson found it hard to understand that Irene was going to move out of the neighborhood, but in the end, he put her aspirations first. Irene wanted to establish herself before beginning a family, which is why she didn’t want to get married too quickly. In order to marry Amanda, she went to her mother Jimena. After Amanda and Jimena eventually got married, a terrible event upended their tranquility once more.

Irene and Nelson

Irene discovered that her loved ones, particularly her mother, were there to support and comfort her. Even though Nelson, the love of her life, showed her his whole attention, Irene still had to endure a great deal of suffering. Romero, a dishonest policeman, lit Maica’s foundation on fire to create a chaotic scene at the difficult time of her pregnancy. Irene experienced intense labor pains as Tirso was investigating the situation, which led to her passing out and falling to the ground. Irene was in such a situation when Nelson and Jimena entered the room, so they transported her to the hospital. After Irene lived, she gave birth to her son Viktor, but the baby was early and had health issues, so the medical staff placed him in the neonatal intensive care unit. Irene thought she would never see the light of day again, but thankfully, her child had made a full recovery from his sickness.

Ending Explained

Irene got a call from the dance company in Paris on the day Amanda and Jimena got married. She stepped outside the hallway, eager to answer the call. The announcement that the dancing company will shortly be building a branch in Madrid meant that she wouldn’t have to go to Paris in order to pursue her dreams, which was unexpectedly fantastic news for her. Being with Nelson and her child would allow Irene to pursue her passion without having to leave the city. Irene’s joy was short-lived, though, as she was taken prisoner by Romero, a madman filled with rage and a desire to exact revenge on Tirso and Ezekiel. Romero intended to kill Tirso because he had failed to kill Ezekiel, so he kidnapped Irene and threatened to kill her to get Tirso to give himself up. Thinking that Irene’s life was in jeopardy, Tirso had no choice but to put down his rifle. Romero left Irene, let her go, and aimed his rifle squarely back at Tirso, even though his primary grievance with him was not to harm her. Irene moved in between them to shield her grandfather as he pulled the trigger, trying to kill him. Irene was mortally wounded by Romero’s bullets, losing consciousness in her grandfather’s arms while expressing fear.

It was unclear at the conclusion of Wrong Side of the Tracks’ third season whether Irene would live or die in her grandfather’s arms. We would therefore most likely need to wait for Netflix to broadcast the fourth episode of the series before learning the solution.

Season 4 Recap

Season 4 centers on former military officer Tirso Abantos as he grapples with the tragic death of his granddaughter, Irene, and confronts the challenges that follow.

Six months after Irene’s death, Tirso is consumed by sorrow, isolating himself and often speaking to Irene as if she were still alive. His relationship with Gladys becomes strained due to his reclusiveness. Meanwhile, his son Santi faces his own battles, including financial difficulties and a gambling addiction, which lead to the loss of the family hardware store.

Determined to avenge Irene’s death, Tirso focuses on finding Romero, the former police commissioner responsible for her murder. Romero, now a fugitive, has been inciting gang wars in Entrevías by murdering gang members and setting them on fire. Inspector Ezequiel Fandiño and rookie officer Camila Fernández investigate these murders, initially unaware of Romero’s involvement.

Throughout the season, Tirso’s family members confront their own demons. Gladys strives to keep the family together, Santi seeks redemption for his mistakes, and Nelson, Irene’s partner, grapples with his responsibilities as a father. Tirso’s journey leads him to realize the importance of his remaining family, prompting him to reconcile with them and agree to undergo surgery for a brain tumor he had been neglecting.

Season 4 Ending Explained

In a final showdown, Tirso confronts Romero in a warehouse. Initially intending to end both their lives, Tirso has a change of heart, focusing instead on his family’s future. Ezequiel intervenes, saving Tirso and ensuring Romero faces justice.

The series concludes with Tirso finding peace, having secured a safer future for his loved ones. The neighborhood of Entrevías begins to heal, symbolizing hope and renewal after enduring profound loss and adversity.

Wrong Side of the Tracks TV Series 2021 Reviews

Positive Aspects:

  • Engaging Plot: Some viewers find the series entertaining and addictive, appreciating its portrayal of the struggles within Madrid’s poorer neighborhoods. imdb.com
  • Strong Performances: Actors José Coronado and Luis Zahera receive praise for their compelling portrayals, adding depth to the narrative. rottentomatoes.com


  • Stereotypical Characters: Certain reviews point out that the series relies heavily on clichés and overacted scenes, which can detract from its overall impact. imdb.com
  • Casting Choices: The actress playing the granddaughter, Irene, has been criticized for her performance, with some viewers feeling it negatively affects the show’s quality. imdb.com

Overall Impression:

While “Wrong Side of the Tracks” offers an engaging storyline and notable performances, it also faces criticism for character development and certain casting decisions. Potential viewers might find it worthwhile for its narrative and lead actors but should be aware of its perceived shortcomings.

IMDB score is 7.2 ( I rated it 10 personally).

About the Author

Mastermind Study Notes is a group of talented authors and writers who are experienced and well-versed across different fields. The group is led by, Motasem Hamdan, who is a Cybersecurity content creator and YouTuber.

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