13 Commandments TV Series Season 1 Summary & Episodes List

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13 Commandments TV Show | List of the commandments mentioned in the series

1- Thou Shalt have no other gods before me

2- Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.

3- Thou Shalt shalln’t covet thy neighbour’s house

4- Thou Shalt shalln’t kill

13 Commandments TV Show | Key Facts & Characters & Ending Explained

During the hunt for Moses, the investigation team misidentified two convicts as Moses. One of them turned out to be one of his accomplices and the other was entraped by Moses.

The real Moses follows the ten commandments in torturing his victims(words carved on a forehead with a knife, a tongue cut out, someone set on fire) but as the show progresses he started to purposely kill his victims as part of his personal agendas thus violating one of the commandments (Thou Shalt shalln’t kill).

The real hero of the show is Vicky as shown in the last two episodes.

In most of his killings, Moses motives are to save daughters from abusers.

At the end, Moses commits suicide by killing himself (as apparently shown in the last scene of the last episode)

13 Commandments who is Moses

Without any spoilers, Moses is revealed in the last episode of 13 commandments but the spectator could start to predict the real identity of Moses after episode 10.

13 Commandments TV Series | Reviews

IMDB score is 7

Rotten Tomatoes Reviews

13 Commandments TV Series Netflix

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13 Commandments Trailer

About the Author

I create cybersecurity notes, digital marketing notes and online courses. I also provide digital marketing consulting including but not limited to SEO, Google & Meta ads and CRM administration.

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